Happy Birthday,
Wow, we celebrated our fourth birthday this week with Sebastian and his mom and dad, Christina and Felipe. They read two of Sebastian's favorite books during snack time. Then. we sang Happy Birthday to Sebastian and ate delicious cupcakes! During center time, Sebastian enjoyed our winter and Christmas-inspired activities, including decorating our tree (see below). During the rest of the day, all that the friends could talk about was Sebastian's birthday party later today. Thanks for the fun day!
Getting in the spirit of Christmas
We started listening to Christmas songs this week and talked all about next week's festivities. On Monday, we will wear our pajamas and ride the Polar Express train to the North Pole! We read the Polar Express story and even listened to the audio book during lunch time this week. The kids are so excited for Monday and all of the surprises we have in store for them. We continued making ornaments, but this time we used beads and pipe cleaners. Then. we hung them up on our tree that Noah, Gabriel, and Sebastian picked up yesterday afternoon. We also worked on making wrapping paper for the wish list gifts we will open on Monday. Although, we didn't tell the kids what we were going to use the wrapping paper for, it was still super fun. One technique was painting with our feet! The second painting technique was using pine branches as paint brushes.
Yoga & Music
Have a lovely weekend! See you on Monday for Pajama Day!