We started our week off hanging out in the Pre-K room which is one of our favorite things to do. We had music and built a large stage out of blocks that turned into a boat. We all took turns on singing and building together.
We are always exploring new ways to paint in our class. Sometimes we enjoy getting messy, and sometimes we don’t. One method of painting that we previously explored was with bubble wrap wrapped around our feet. Now we wanted to try it on our hands, like a glove. We wrapped the bubble wrap around our hands and covered them in paint, allowing us to still be able to wiggle our fingers and also make patterns with the print of the wrap.
We have been practicing our fine motor skills by using our fingers to explore clay, practice beading, and building with small building blocks. The children have been working very hard on mastering these skills and have been loving the process..
C..C..C what begins with the letter C? Adding to our ABC wall we worked on the letter C by making it out of crayons. We also enjoyed listening to some new and old stories.
The children have been interested in the solar system. The first question we started with is: what is the Sun? After our discussion, we wrote down that the sun is yellow, it’s hot, the sun and moon are always out, it’s a star and it is big.
During our art time, we made the sun using yellow and orange tissue paper, and gold glitter.