Welcoming in April with spring colors and stories
We started by making rainbows and talking about them.

How do we get a rainbow?

  • It has to rain.

  • The rain lives in the clouds.

  • And then the rainbow comes from the clouds.

  • Rainbows start with the letter R, and so does rain and Rowan ( Sam’s brother).

Language & Literacy

Along with our days of the week song we made a chart and for each letter of the first day we made a silly word that starts with that letter.

Monday - Moonday

Tuesday - Turtleday

Wednesday - Wiggleday

Thursday- Tallday

Friday- Frogday

Saturday - Samday

Sunday - Snakeday


Self Portraits for April - During this time parents got to watch their children make self portraits and even got to join in and help.

Moving Puppets

We made moving puppets using paper and markers. This was a great way to explore various feelings/emotions.

Painting Together

Open invite to paint. First we talked about colors and what happens when you mix them, and then we got to work and made some beautiful masterpieces.

Down by the Bay

This was a special request by our friend. We love the idea of the children picking the stories and either sharing with us or making pictures for themselves.

Scavenger Hunt

Can you find some items in your homes? Sam made a treasure map to help him on his quest.

To end our week, Fridays will be the day we get to dress up as our favorite characters and to learn a new dance. This week we danced to Monkey See Monkey Do.