Even though we couldn’t make it to the park, we still got some fresh air and art time.
Kindness Project Update
This week we spoke about the homeless families who have babies that go to the church for help. We told the children that the babies range in ages from 2 months old to 3 years old. Some children decided that we should get the babies some milk, water, socks and shoes, balls, chew toys, and stuffies. As they spoke, the children began to say that they had stuffies or toys that they don’t use at home. It sounds like we will soon be holding a drive for the babies. More information to come as we continue our conversation with the class!
After creating teacups, teapots, and bowls last Friday, it was time to paint them this past Monday. The children picked three colors and got to painting their clay work.
This week we also created a collaborative piece of art using a Styrofoam ring and zip ties. The added bonus of strengthening the children’s fine motor skills makes it even more of a win win situation. They were so excited to work on this project.
We created self-portraits using items from our materials center. The children chose from lots of materials, from heart shaped gems to ticket stubs.
This week’s science experiment was sink or float. We used various materials from around the classroom, marked down our predictions on our worksheets, and observed what actually happened. One group discovered that their paper both sank and floated.
As the children get older, their dramatic play gets more in depth. There has been a lot of dramatic play this week, ranging from superheroes to rocketship play.
In addition to the Batboat play in the block area, Aidan was busy creating oceans for his gray whale and humpback whale. Roxy, Luke, Massi, and Melissa were inspired by the ocean building and created an ocean with a rope light and blue fabric. Aidan thought it was a great idea. Our sensory table even became an ocean! Arden was excited to find rocks in the sensory table because she just started collecting rocks.
Sensory experiences are loved and enjoyed by both our young children and older children. We created a variety of experiences. Some bags were filled with liquid watercolor paint, water, and oil. Others were filled with liquid watercolor paint and oil. We also made some with gel and various recyclable materials, and some with paint for color mixing.
Warm Fuzzy Moments
Going along with our kindness and social-emotional focus this year, we began our Warm Fuzzy jar. Each time the children do something nice/kind for someone, they get to put a “warm fuzzy” (pom-pom) in the jar. The catch is that they are not allowed to tell the teachers they did something kind, a teacher has to see it happen naturally. When the jar is filled, the children get to pick what special party/item we can have/get for the class. So far the children want to have a pizza party.