Graduation Prep
This week, on Google Classroom, the children we asked to start coming up with ideas about how they would like their background to look for our online graduation.
Line Work
Can you transform a line into an image? Nora decided to change the activity a bit by using the lines to create new shapes and designs.
Edible Science
One of this week’s science projects was to create slushies in a bag! Storage bags, ice, salt, juice, and arm muscles make for a yummy treat.
Science, Science, and more Science!
This week was all about science! In addition to our slushie science, we also had a lava lamp experiment,
Meeting Times
This week we talked about space, practiced graduation, created mosaic art pieces, and created mixed media art pieces.
What’s going on at home?
After making slushies, Nora was inspired to open up a restaurant. She also created a large drawing butterflies and dragonflies.