This is the way you go up to the rocket ship and this turns the rocket ship. There are two, two rocket ships! And the fire there, it’s a big fire!
— Finn

As we have started creating our rocket ship costumes, we have heard more talk about rocket ships in general. We even built in a “blast-off” move that we use during our races in the gym! Everyone seems to be most fascinated by the fire at the bottom, so we are going to look at that aspect of the launch and see why it’s there and what it does. We have also started creating our own little rocket ships using wine corks, gems, and paper “fire.” Eudenis and I are really excited to see where this project will take us!

We have continued to explore paint this week, and have added a few new tools to paint with. We used sponges one morning, and today we tried making apple prints. As we continue to introduce new ways to paint, we will be able to really hone in and focus on the children’s experiences with paint and how it changes their demeanor. We always notice that a morning runs more smoothly when we paint early in the day (and even better when we paint again later!).

Thank you to everyone who braved the weather and came with us to pick apples and pumpkins. It was really great being able to walk through the field and see how everything grows! I never realized how prickly the pumpkin vines were. We will continue to do a little more with apples next week (like plant the seeds since we still haven’t gotten to that!). And as we get closer to Halloween, we will start creating Jack-o-Lanterns and doing pumpkin experiments!

We would still love donations of: fall leaves, pinecones, and acorns if you happen to come across any this weekend.


  • Diane helped us make apples and pears with a citrus dressing this week. We juiced an orange and a lime and poured it over the apple and pear slices.

  • Ernestina played these songs with us: Buenos Dias, a weather song, a movement song, a song about emotions, and our favorite- hasta mañana

  • Coach Jojo had us continue to practice using our feet to kick the ball into the net this week.


  • Our annual Halloween parade is Oct 31st at 9:30 AM - please let us know if someone will not be able to attend with your child

  • We will have a party in the classroom directly after the parade (I believe Lisa and Renata emailed about this).

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