What are we thankful for?

We asked each child what they are thankful for after we read a couple of stories about being thankful and happy for what we have and who we are. Here are some of their very thoughtful responses:

Daddy, Mama, Eva, Baby.
— Luca
Daddy and Mommy.
— Riley
For the playground with Dada and Mama. I’m thankful for the library. For Mommy, Daddy and Grady.
— Finn
Thankful for monkey, Daddy and Mommy.
— Roger
For 2 (Thankful for being 2).
— Isabelle
For the sky!
— Sloane
Daddy, Mommy and bike!
— Barak
— Grayson
I’m thankful for snowman. Daddy and Mommy.
— John
Mama and Daddy and Grady.
— Kennedy
Mama and Papa.
— Manuela

Today we had a special shared snack with our friends from the 2B classroom. They prepared a delicious banana smoothie for us, and we created a gluten free pumpkin pie with coconut whipped cream to share with them! We read some books together and enjoyed the treats. We will be creating more opportunities for the 2’s classes to work together in the future!

As we all talked about during the parent-teacher conferences, we are starting to move from outer space and rocket ships into a study of all vehicles. There are a few specific vehicles that stand out so far- boats, school buses, and trains/subways. We have been very intrigued by all of the different cars and transport vehicles in our new book “Toot Toot Beep Beep,” by Emma Garcia, which all about traffic and the sounds that different cars make. Another book that we really love reading is “The Little Blue Truck Leads the Way,” by Alice Schertle, all about how the little blue truck clears traffic and helps the mayor get to his destination quickly. Other vehicle related books that have caught our attention lately:

  • Chugga Chugga Choo Choo (Emma Garcia)

  • Tip Tip Dig Dig (Emma Garcia)

  • Subway (Anastasia Suen)

  • Toy Boat (Randall de Seve)

  • Go! Go! Go! Stop! (Charise Mericle Harper)

And we are still in the midst of our social-emotional curriculum, and especially how it pertains to painting. So many of us are really getting a strong grasp over the language to use to describe how we are feeling Throughout the morning we are so proud to hear our friends saying things like, “I feel frustrated,” or “I feel silly!” We are recognizing how others impact the way we feel and how we can let others know when we feel that way.

For our emotion paintings, we had a lot of “Good” and “Happy” responses, but each child’s colors and style are very unique. We hope you have a moment to come in and peek at the amazing work that has been happening!

Kennedy: I feel wet. Blue & Green

Finn: Happy. Yellow only

Luca: Good. Yellow & Red

Barak: Hungry Orange & Red

John: Happy White & Green

Manuela: Good Pink

Sloane: Quiet Black & White

Eloise: Eloise is silly. Yellow, Red, Purple

Roger: Good. Blue- no! Green!

Isabelle: Happy Clear, white, blue and orange

Grayson: Mad Red & Black

Riley: Happy Yellow, blue, purple & brown


  • Diane helped us make cranberry sauce this week

  • Ernestina sang us a new song about being thankful, and a lot of songs that we have already experienced before.

  • We worked on colors and numbers in Spanish with Eudenis

  • Coach R continued to help us work on using our feet vs our hands in soccer, and encouraged us to use our feet to stand all of the cones up

  • Emily joined us for music and sang our favorite songs and helped us count all of the strings on her guitar.

Have a very happy Thanksgiving, we will see everyone on Monday! And please don’t forget that we will have a curriculum breakfast next Friday, November 30th at 9 AM.