We had a quiet week here in the 2A classroom, and enjoyed a lot of engaging project work.

All week we have been watching an absorbent frog grow. Before we placed it into the water, we talked about what might happen- will the frog get smaller or bigger? We’ve been trying to predict just how large it is going to get! Periodically throughout each morning we have been peeking in on the frog and been in awe of its change in size.

We continue to use as many materials as possible to build with. The cardboard boxes leftover from our curriculum event have been great for building and also for trying out all of our tools. Millie was so excited to find out that she could make holes in the box with the screwdriver. We’ve been using hammers, saws and screw drivers on our boxes.

There are some new castle blocks in the classroom now, and we’ve been creating some really wonderful structures with them!

We continue to enjoy painting and drawing and have been so much more descriptive about what we are creating!

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Have a fantastic Thanksgiving holiday - we look forward to hearing all about your adventures next Monday.

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