We started our week with an adventure outside. It was so good to get some fresh air! Our first stop was Morgan’s Market where we found pumpkins and gourds already. Everyone was able to feel both a highly textured pumpkin and then compared it with a normal smooth pumpkin. We also noted that pumpkins aren’t only orange- we saw some white, yellow, and green pumpkins as well.

After, we headed to the park where we collected many leaves to use in the classroom. We love having natural materials to work with, so we will be heading back soon to collect some more (and if you come across any during your weekend adventures, please feel free to bring them in!).

Class Intent

This year we are trying something new: a class intent. Rather than have one focus for the entire school, we are going to be following a big project unique to each classroom. The 2A class will be studying woodworking and building for the year. We started this project a little bit last week when friends were able to help build the baby crib (which we will be repairing together next week). If you have any project ideas or want to lend a hand for a particular building experience, that would be amazing! We are hoping to be able to have some guests come in throughout the year and guide us as well- so if there are any architects or builders that you know, please let us get in contact so we can work something out!


The second project that has started in the classroom is an interest in ducks. It started as a desire to read the book “Five Little Ducks,” multiple times during the course of a day. To build upon this, we have started to look at some images of ducks and have drawn and made ducks with model magic and feathers. We also glued feathers to create ducks. Next week we will be presenting the children with more duck related activities to see what it is about the ducks that capture their attention.

We have started to vote on what we would like to be for Halloween. For now, the choices have been baby sharks or ducks since those two animals are the most talked about. Ducks are in the lead! We will be letting you know more soon.

Other 2A Happenings

  • We created Autumn leaves using coffee filters and watercolor paints

  • We tried using watercolor palettes for the first time

  • Using chia seeds and cornstarch we made a batch of slime

  • Our sensory table became an ocean filled with water and aquatic life

  • Our feet and hands explored a big block of clay

  • We sliced apples and dipped them in honey to honor Rosh Hashana and learned how to say “L’shana Tova,” or Happy New Year in Hebrew.
