Hello 2A families!

Natural Materials

This week we focused on bringing nature into the home and celebrating the various signs of spring that are happening all around us. From a very early age, children are curious about the world around them. Finding ways to honor this curiosity and giving ample opportunity to explore is crucial to a child’s development. Exploration of nature instills a lasting attachment to the environment. What signs of spring are your children noticing? Antoine has been excited about seeing a duck’s egg in a nest when he goes out for a walk. Cleo showed us her fascination with pine needles and her curiosity about whether or not her cat would be interested in eating them. Aris has collected sea shells and used them in all of his artwork.

Allowing children to pick up twigs and rocks and explore them is a simple activity that has a big payoff - a connection to the world around us, ability to create hypotheses and ideas, storytelling, math concepts, science, creativity - everything can be tied into these explorations.

Basic Math

Counting, grouping, and basic addition are the foundation for all other math concepts that will come later. Allowing children to play with these essential concepts will give them confidence and desire to learn more about math. This week we also did some very preliminary work on fractions by making the 8 pizza slices. Keep math simple and fun, filled with games and art, and it will create a great love for it later on!

Physical Activity

We are working on creating more activities that focus on physical activity that can be done indoors. Have you found great activities that work for you? Please share with us so we can pass it along to other families. Aside from yoga, using tape to make obstacle courses, and having dance parties, it’s hard to design activities that burn off energy safely inside. We’ve invested in some “gym” equipment like a slide, tunnel, and gym cones to make our home a better source of physical activity. Hula hoops, bowling, and a small ball pit would also be great choices.


This week we talked about the letters N, O, P, Q and R. We’re really getting close to finishing up the alphabet! It’s been wonderful seeing how excited everyone is to learn about words, books, instruments and songs that start with these letters. How is it going at home? Is everyone trying to write the letters? It’s OK if there isn’t any interest yet, it’s normal!!

Parent Check-Ins

Thank you to those of you who came to our first check in last night. It was really helpful for Eudenis and I to hear what is working, what isn’t, and how we can better serve you at home. We are always eager for constructive comments and are open to trying new things to engage and teach your children at home. I’ll be sending an email tonight as well to follow up on some of the things that were talked about during our meeting. We look forward to more thoughts next week as we continue checking in. Come to us anytime- we are here to guide and help!

Week of the Young Child

Next week is our Week of the Young Child, and we will be doing some really fabulous activities based on the following schedule:

  • Music Monday

  • Tasty Tuesday

  • Work together Wednesday

  • Artsy Thursday

  • Family & Special person Friday

I’ll send a list of materials by tomorrow afternoon that you might want to get to participate in the activities.

Have a great weekend, and we will see everyone on Monday for some music fun. Take care.
