This week in 2B, we explored literacy with modeling clay, explored numbers, made cloud dough, and introduced a kindness jar.
Spanish - As Winter approaches, our wardrobe changes! We learned the different types of clothing we wear in the colder months:
chaqueta - jacket
bufanda - scarf
gorra - hat
botas - boots
pantalones - pants
Cooking - We made a fruit salad. The children mixed together peaches, pears, apricot, banana, and a sprinkle of cinnamon. The children had the opportunity to add and pour the different ingredients and mix it up!
Soccer - We worked on kicking, balancing, and strength!
On Monday, we offered the children modeling clay and letter cut outs. They were excited to identify the different letters they saw, with many noticing letters in their name. Nate was interested in finding an “A for Amalia!” They pushed the letter cut outs against the modeling clay, noticing the letter indentation that formed. This hands on activity encouraged children to engage in letter recognition (which will further their interest and knowledge in literacy), while incorporating fine motor skills!
On Tuesday, the children explored number recognition (1-5). They helped to identify each number, count the number on our fingers, then worked with the colorful gems to trace the numbers. This activity incorporated counting, one to one correspondence, and tracing numbers! As the children become more comfortable with these numbers, we will begin to introduce many more.
On Thursday, we made cloud dough! We put eight cups of flour and one cup of baby oil into the sensory bin, and the children mixed it up with their hands. They were amazed at the texture, noticing that it was “soft” and "felt good.” Cooper said, “it’s snow!” and Charlie enjoyed rolling the dough into balls. This sensory material facilitated dialogue and creativity, engaged their fine motor muscles, and promoted play and socialization!
Social Emotional
We introduced a “kindness jar” this week. When the children engage in an act of kindness, such as sharing, helping a friend, or inviting a friend over to play, they can add a pom pom to the kindness jar. When we fill up the jar, we’re going to have a classroom celebration! This type of positive reinforcement can teach compassion, empathy, and encourage socialization between the children.
Reminder: Please sign up for our classroom Holiday potluck on Nurish!
Have a great weekend!