This week, we did a math/counting activity, explored ice, prepared for Valentine’s Day, and had our Valentine’s Day Breakfast.


Spanish - we talked about all things Valentine’s Day:

Abrazo: hug
Corazon: heart
Flores: flowers
Beso: kiss
Amigo: friend
Te quiero: I love you


Cooking - we made tea sandwiches with apple butter, apricot preserves, and strawberry jam.


Soccer - we played a game where the children were asked to flip over the traffic cone, grab the shirt underneath, and toss it into the goal.

Music - we sang a muffin song and read the book, “Never Feed a Yeti Spaghetti.”



On Tuesday, the children played a counting game! The worked to identify the number on the paper, then counted out the corresponding number of gems. After, some of them were interested in using the gems to trace the numbers. This activity gave children the opportunity to practice number recognition, tracing, one to one correspondence, and counting.



On Thursday, we engaged in ice sensory play! The children noticed the little hearts frozen in the cubes that came out when the ice melted. They also engaged their fine motor muscles as they used tongs to pick up the cubes.

Valentine’s Day

This week, we painted hearts, created gifts for families, collaged hearts, painted our valentines mailboxes, and made pancakes!

Thank you for coming in to celebrate with us - it was such a special day!


Reminder: School is closed Monday, 2/17 and Tuesday 2/18.

Have a great weekend!