This week, we took a trip to Washington Market Park, played a letter matching game, and made price tags for the grocery store.


Spanish - we talked about all things invierno:

nieve - snow

muñeco de nieve - snowman

bufanda - scarf

chaqueta - jacket

gorro - hat

guantes - gloves

copo de nieve - snowflake


Cooking - we made a fruit salad with strawberries, blueberries, and lemon juice.


Soccer - we played a game with “beach towels” where the children had to jump over the shirts. Then, they kicked the mini soccer balls onto the shirts and did two kicks on the ball.


Music - we sang “Five Little Monkeys” and “The Firetruck Song.”


Gross Motor

On Monday, we took a trip to the park! On the way there, we named things we saw in Spanish (carro, blanco, amarillo). At the park, the children had so much fun running around, going on the slide, and climbing the jungle gym. We’re excited for the weather to warm up soon so we can continue our park adventures!


On Tuesday, we played an alphabet matching game. We encouraged the children to match the foam letters to the letters on the board. As they matched the letters, the children related them to words such as, “Z for Zoe,” “M for mama,“ and “R for Rajen.” This activity gave children the opportunity to practice letter recognition and letter sounds.



On Tuesday, the children decided on the prices for items in our grocery store:

Coffee - $10 (Oliver)

Baby spinach - $3 (Nate)

Eggs - $1 (Cooper)

Blueberries - $2 (Amalia

Ice cream - $5 (Nicole)

Ketchup - $5 (Rajen)

Cheese - $2 (Zoe)

Rasberries - $6 (Maddy)

After we decided on the prices, we practiced tracing the numbers. After, with the help of a teacher, they wrote the numbers to create price tags! This activity gave the children more autonomy over the grocery store. It also allowed them to practice number recognition, tracing, and number writing!

We’re looking forward to seeing many of you at the BMS Science Fair on Saturday 2/8 from 10AM - 12PM.


Picture day is Monday, 2/10. The backdrop will be teal!

School will be closed for President’s Day 2/17 and 2/18.
