Thank you for your continued support and collaboration these past few weeks! See below for highlights from this week, as well as as materials you may need for next week:

Morning Meeting

We had so much fun seeing and interacting with the children this week. We continued our “letter of the day,” listened to read alouds, played games, shared work, and had fun with movement and dancing!

Observational Drawing

The children continued observational drawing this week with family portraits and landscape pictures. They used various shapes to represent their ideas and continue to include amazing details.


We played a Spanish colors game and went over verde, negro, azul, verde, amarillo, anaranjado, and rojo. Keep practicing these at home!

Our shape and color hunt this week was:

-cuadrado blanco (white square)
-rectángulo marrón (brown rectangle)
-circulo azul (blue circle)

Nate found squares on a bag, wheels on a car, and a piece of cardboard.

Literacy Week

We celebrated Literacy Week with books by the author Mo Willems. We read the books:

“Can I Play Too?”

“There is a Bird on Your Head!”

“I Love My New Toy”     

“Happy Pig Day”

On Friday, the children dressed up as their favorite animal to read “Happy Pig Day.” We hope everyone enjoyed engaging in the activities posted on the Google Classroom. If you didn’t get a chance to do some of the activities and want to do them over the weekend, please send us pictures!

Materials for next week:

  • Paint (watercolors and any other kind)

  • Salt

  • Flour

  • Food coloring

  • Paint brushes

  • Q tips

  • Toy cars

  • Paper

  • Markers

  • Tape

  • Bin or bowl

  • Items for sink or float (some ideas are: coins, rocks, utensils, bowls, toys, legos, keys, pens, etc.)

Have a great weekend & stay safe!