We hope everyone is staying healthy and safe! We know it can be difficult to keep your little ones busy and in the flow of school at this time, so we hope that these activities help. We welcome any and all feedback - just e-mail us! Please see below for highlights from this week, as well as as materials you may need for next week:
Morning Meeting
Our virtual morning meetings have been going SO well! Thank you for all of your support during these - it’s such a great way to maintain some normalcy and social contact throughout the week. We hope to continue parent read alouds, so please sign up if you can! We enjoyed chatting about what the children have been working on, seeing their work, hearing stories, going over the calendar, having show and share, singing, doing “letter of the day,” and reading books.
Observational Drawing
Nate engaged in observational drawing this week! He observed various fruits and noticed details such as line, colors, and shapes.
Cooper engaged in observational drawing as he drew a portrait of his family! He noticed and recreated details such as hair, eyes, noses, mouths, arms, and legs.
Dramatic Play
With the help of some props, Zoe recreated our classroom at Buckle My Shoe. She took on the role of the teacher, while her dolls took on the role of students. It’s so great to see the children bringing some of 2B home with them!
Nate used clay and loose parts to recreate the Empire State Building! He engaged his fine motor muscles in order to mold the clay and noticed details such as shapes, lines, and sizes.
Nate practiced his letter recognition and tracing with loose parts! He used unifix cubes to carefully trace various letters of the alphabet.
Materials Needed For Next Week:
baby oil
construction paper
a ball of any kind (tennis, soccer, bouncy, etc.)