Painting is one of 3A friends' favorite activities that brings a lot of curiosity and excitement. This week, the educators put out different mediums with paint and observed how our children reacted to them. 

We first introduced yarn art by wrapping a clay roller with yarn.  Then we had the children paint with it. Some of the children were really fascinated by the strange looking textures they were creating with the yarn wrapped roller. Then the next day, all of the children dropped liquid water color paint mixed with vinegar on a mysterious powder (baking soda). They were so surprised and excited to see all of the color bubbles erupt in reaction. Charlotte said, "it's looks beautiful!" Levi said, "it looks like rainbow bubbles-it's going above." 

We were able to slowly find out what the children were more interested in by the number of children participating in each activity.

The children also mixed shaving cream with liquid water color paint. Some of them were so intrigued by the feeling of the shaving cream and enjoyed seeing colors mixed in with it.

Lastly, the children used dried water color paint to color ice. It was interesting to see how the ice turned into the colors we painted, but the ice slowly melted away. 

According to Reggio Emilia philosophy, we know that paint can be one of the hundred languages that children use to express themselves. As educators, we are delighted to see our children feeling proud, happy, and looking amazed as they continue to experience paint with different medium.

We also started a different way of signing in. It seems like the children are excited about it! They traced their names with markers on the sentence strips and started noticing the same letters between their names and their friends!