This week, the children continued to study animals by exploring different activities. We used paint and paintbrushes to depict what a tiger looked like in their eyes. Some of the children looked closely at a Tiger's stripes. They showed distinct styles of stripes depending on how they saw the tiger. Other children looked at other parts of the tiger. Mia painted the tiger and said, "Tiger has legs and a mouth." Charlotte said, "I'm doing a tail" as she was painting the tiger. Some other children expressed their own understanding of a tiger in their paintings.
Then we washed the animals with soap and water at the sensory table. The children showed a lot of affection towards the animals by pretending to bathe them. They also built a zoo and houses for the animals with Magnetiles and blocks. We are noticing that the children are using creative ways to build zoos and animal houses and in a collaborative way!
Today a local dentist visited our school and taught us how to brush our teeth by using a toothbrush. Then we made marshmallow teeth! We also practiced brushing teeth on the dinosaur!