Welcome back everyone! It was so good to see (almost) everyone back from the long break. The children eased right into our routines and activities as soon as they stepped into the classroom. One thing we decided to do in the new year is to sign our names every day. All of the children are able to recognize the letters in their names and are able to trace lines and letters. We would like to reinforce the sign-in process in order to enhance our children's hand to eye coordination as well as their fine motor skill development. 

Some of the choices for our center time this week were painting, blocks, Magnetiles, waterbeads, dramatic play, and play-dough

One thing we continue to notice from our children's play is building a zoo and playing with animal toys. We decided to name all of the animals that we knew during circle time. Today, the children observed the animal of the day, "Tiger," and shared what they noticed about it. Levi said, "it has black stripes." Manu said, "it has one tail." Mia said, "it has sharp teeth!" Katerina pointed to the eyes of the tiger and said "two eyes" with her hand motion. Malina counted the legs and said "four!" Mercer whispered "orange" to Clare's ear when she asked what color the tiger was. Lastly, Harper said, "it has two ears!" One of the activities that the children enjoyed was to make footprints of the different animals. 

Today 3A and 3B went to Washington Market Park together. Although it was a little chilly, the children had so much fun riding slides, trains, and monkey bars.
We hope the warm weather continues so we can enjoy fun park time more often!