The 3A children went on a walking field trip to the Brooklyn Bridge yesterday. Before we went, we discussed what we thought we would see at the bridge. Some children made an educated guess that the “bridge is going to move” while other children thought they would see “pink and green” colors as well as “triangular and circular” shapes. The children were very excited to see the Brooklyn bridge, although many had seen the bridge at other times. The idea of a ‘field trip’ maximized their anticipation.
When we arrived, their joy and excitement were greater than before! We found some seating areas and sketched things that we saw. The children began to draw cars, people, “opened bridge”, and a flag. It was fascinating to see how and what they saw and drew. The educators were curious if they still thought the bridge was moving. James and Leo said, “No, it is not moving.” There were many cars, bicycles, and people crossing the bridge, so if the bridge was moving, they said, “people will fall out”. But Barak took an opposite stance and said, “At night time, it was moving!” It was an interesting debate to listen to, and we hope to continue our investigation. On the way back to school, the children asked if they could actually go on the bridge. We think going on the bridge next time might answer some of their questions!
We would like to thank all of our families who came in to celebrate our children's learning experience here at Buckle My Shoe. Our 3A children and teachers had so much fun! We hope you did too!