This week our friend Henry came back to Buckle My Shoe! Many friends and teachers were so glad to see Henry and his family. We welcomed him by singing his favorite greeting song, "Jump in the Water" during circle time! We can't wait to spend a great year with Henry and the rest of our 3A friends!
As the children’s interests shift to the story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff, many of them re-enacted the story in their own way. Some children read the story over and over again and were able to recite lines such as “trip trap trip trap” “Who’s that tripping over my bridge?” While others would either build bridges with blocks and put animals on top pretending that they were the Billy Goats and the Troll. during their dramatic play time.
Because the children liked building bridges with blocks, the 3A educators found the opportunity to talk about the nearby Brooklyn Bridge and presented a couple of pictures to the children. The next day, we decided to build a bridge of our own by using marshmallows and pipe cleaners! Our 3A friends explored the malleability of pipe cleaners and marshmallows and created unique bridges! Each friend named their own bridges and they will soon be displayed on one of our classroom walls!