October 12, 2018

Water Play and Leaves: The leaves are changing colors. 

Our inquisitive infant-b students explored the fall leaves on the illuminated light table and in the water sensory bin-discovering the different shapes, sizes and colors.
The children grasped the leaves from the sensory bin and squeezed them tightly in their hands,  crushing the crisp leaves between their little fingers- enjoying the sound and texture of the wet, crunchy leaves.


Exporing Clay!

Clay is a wonderful way to promote the awareness of "cause and effect", with young learners.

When the students were presented with a chunk of brown clay, it instinctively motivated them to explore- the soft and responsive sensory qualities of the unfamiliar material was inviting!

The student pulled, poked and squeezed the clay- each time, the clay, responding to their actions.  

When children begin to notice a change in the clay, they are learning that their actions have consequences.  This is empowerment. It encourages more experimentation. The child’s brain is taking shape along with the clay!

How exciting! Our infant-b friends are beginning to notice the pictures in their classroom- observing their friends faces.

In connection with our school year curriculum, focusing on social emotional development, one of the questions we will be researching is:

-How do students care for themselves?

This week, the students have been showing interest in feeding themselves!

Independent feeding, using their fingers and spoon.

We will defiantly continue to encourage the students to practice their independent feeding skills during lunch and snack time at school.

Excellent job!

When asked in english and in swedish, Ophelia will point to her nose, mouth and ears.

Today Ophelia pointed to her nose in class!

Excellent job, Ophelia!

Have a lovely weekend infant-b families!

Thank you.

October 5, 2018

It is Fall!

The weather is Getting Colder and the Leaves are Changing Colors!

This week the infant-b students went on a walk to Washington Market Park to collect leaves!

The leaves were brought back to school and the investigation began!

Deeply focused, our friends slowly grasped the crunchy leaves as they crinkled between their fingers.

Gym Time!

My First Finger Painting!

Sara immediately began exploring the bright, wet paint- smearing the medium across her white paper canvas.

Why is sensory play important?

Sensory play enhances learning through hands-on activities that stimulate the child's senses. This is a great way for children to explore the world they live in! Sensory play supports language development, cognitive growth, fine and gross motor skills, problem solving skills, and social interaction.

Washing the baby dolls!

The children have been so fascinated with exploring their own reflections in the mirrors and investigating the dolls faces in their classroom, so we thought it would be interesting if we incorporated dolls in their water play. One of their favorite sensory activities!

What new discoveries would be made? Would the children still be focused on the facial features of the babies, or would their attentions be on something else?

Approaching the new and exciting provocation the students first, splashed their hands in the warm water with big smiles, focusing only on the water. Shortly after, the children began bringing their attention to the baby dolls- gently touching the doll’s face and body with their wet fingers.

-Water play is calming, soothing, and an important sensory exploration. Giving children the opportunity to replicate real life scenarios allows them to test out their theories about how things work, and let them figure out what doesn't work in a safe and non-judgemental space.  

In connection with our school year curriculum, focusing on social emotional development, one of the questions we will be researching is:

-How does the child understand, acknowledge and express their feelings?

During morning and afternoon circle time we have noticed the children showing preference between songs and books. When given the choice to either sing the song “the itsy bits spider" or “The wheels on the bus”, the students will respond to their options through body language, facial expressions and or verbal communication (babbling). 

How are the students visibly showing their preference? How are they showing their understanding and or expressing their feelings in these moments?

For example, When presented with the option to read the book “Pete the Cate the Five Little Ducks” or “Brown Bear Brown Bear what do you See”, the students will either communicate their preference by smiling, dancing, waving both of their hands up and down or babbling.


If they are disinterested in a book or song offered to them, the children will show no visible enthusiasm.

Infants and toddlers are able and ready communicators.

Thank you, infant-B families!

Have a great weekend!

September 28, 2018

This week the infant-B students…

Explored Glue!

The students were more then happy to experience the wet, sticky material.

As our friends investigated the familiar material, we sang “ If your happy and you know it, clap your hands”!

The students began clapping their sticky hands together- surprised by the sensation it created, as their hands were stuck together and then pulled apart.

Clap, Clap clap!

-Sensory play enhances learning through hands-on activities that stimulate the child's senses. This is a great way for children to explore the world they live in! Sensory play supports language development, cognitive growth, fine and gross motor skills, problem solving skills, and social interaction.

Recycled paper college!

Before the children began creating their own individual collages, a piece of white canvas paper was secured to their work stations. The students were then given recycled scraps of colored tissue paper, which was placed beside their blank canvas.

Their eyes lite up as they noticed the very popular, very familiar clear glue material in their teachers hands.

As the glue drizzled from above their heads, the infants stretched out their arms to grasp the clear glue.

The texture of wet, sticky glue has always had the ability to create smiles!

Diving right In, the children maneuvered  the delicate pieces of paper over their now sticky canvas. Not only did the recycled scraps stick to the canvas, but it also began sticking to their hands. The children waved and shook their hands in the air- attempting to detach themselves from the unpredictable material. With a little help, after the paper was peeled off their hands, they went on to continue creating their tissue paper collage.


in conclusion, it is a pleasure to announce that the:

  • Curriculum focus for the school year, will be on the social emotional development of the child.


  • Our school wide area of research will be on paint.

Thank you!

Have a lovely weekend, infant-b families!

September 21, 2018

The infant-b students started off the week with animal exploration!

The students have really taken an interest In the animals in their classroom- proudly identifying some of the animals by their sound.

Observing their facial expressions and body language, they are also very excited to discover animals in the books, as they flip through the pages.

Although animal sounds might not seem like actual words, they can help children learn to associate a simple sound with the actual object or picture. Because the sounds are so easy to say, children are more likely to imitate them. This success, in turn, helps them make the jump to real words (and eventually the accurate names of the animals).

Painting with our bodies!

Approaching the inviting provocation, the students immediately starting poking the bright puddles of paint with their pointers- deeply focused as they manipulated the medium.

Using their bodies as their only paint brush, the students maneuvered their legs, hands and feet across the white canvas as the paint tracked each body movements.

Messy play for Infants and toddlers is actually crucial to a healthy sensory development. These ‘messy moments’ provide important foundation building blocks for muscle and brain growth – all of which prepares them for later success and learning.

Continuing their exploration of the life like doll:

 We have noticed that some of the children have a fascination with investigating the face of the life-like doll. They are particularly curious about the doll’s mouth and nose!

Doll play is the beginning of dramatic play- where children begin to use objects as symbols and imitate observed behaviors. It is also a great way for little ones to recognize body parts!


My Reflection!

It was a pleasant surprise to see the toddlers taking an interest in exploring their reflections in the mirrors around their classroom- focused on their reflections and observing their little faces.

To encourage our little friends to continue their new found interest of observing their own reflections, we thought it would be interesting if we implemented mirrors during water play.

 How will the students react to seeing their reflections in the water?

Approaching the stimulating provocation, some friends choose to dive right in and begin splashing the warm water. Others took a slower approach, gently gliding their fingers across their reflection.

Mirrors are certainly a lot of fun for our students, but they are also used as a tool for promoting self-awareness and ability to see and understand basic emotions.


Thank you, Infant-b families!

Have a lovely weekend!



September 14, 2018

Parents, welcome to our Infant-B Blog for the school year!


We are so excited for this new school year and happy to see how excited the infant-B students were, on their first days in school.

What gorgeous smiles on the first day of school!

Right now, our friends are becoming more and more comfortable in their new classroom! They are all working hard and exploring the many stimulating areas and provocations, that are set up in their room.  

Bravo, students!

This week the infant-B friends were doing such an amazing job with their independent standing and walking.

Keep up the great work!

This school year we will continue to motivate and encourage the students to use their walking feet, using materials and exciting provocations.

To our amazing infant-B students… 

We know you all will have a year full of discoveries and adventures. We are so excited to be here with you on this journey!

Thank you!

Have a lovely weekend, infant-B families!

First Day of School!

Today was the first day of school!

It was so exciting to see our students so comfortable and eager to explore their new classroom.

We are going to have an amazing school year!