This week the Pre-K children had many questions about what is currently happening around the world. They are very aware of the importance of staying home due to a new virus that is making people really sick. They understand that in order to contain the spread of the corona virus and keep each other safe we must stay home. Unfortunately, Pre-K has expressed sad feelings about the situation but they are staying hopeful that we return to school soon. Luckily, we had a conversation about how, as families, we are doing the best we can to enjoy each day at home with our loved ones. We were happy to receive so much good feedback from Pre-K about how staying home is not a bad/sad thing at all, the children are actually excited that “mom doesn’t have to go on a work trip.” -Mercer.
Ellis: If you touch everything you get germs.
Malina: Me and Fifi always share germs. She shares her germs on my face and then it spreads everywhere.
Ellis: I want to know how will get the corona virus to go away?
Ellis: One of my grandparents is fighting the virus. The virus hasn’t come to him.
Mercer: How did the corona virus come out?
Charlotte: How does it spread?
Katerina: I want to see whats inside the virus?
Geneva: What’s inside the skin of the virus?
Pre-K special friends:
We want to hear more from Pre-K and since they are always so excited to share their special friends from home, we thought it would be fun to create stories about their experiences at home through the eyes of their special stuffed animals/toy figures. We look forward to hearing more adventures next week!