Happy Friday! 

Our identity project has blossomed into expressions of roles and an interest in relationships with each other. As the children explore their hands, feet and faces they begin comparing their abilities, the details on their bodies and how they feel. We noticed that all this exploration into self manifested into hugs, compliments, and inquiry about other people. Feeling more confident in their sense of self the children began to be more present and interactive with each other. 

"We do a group hug" -Cooper

"That's a beautiful H" -Grant(making letters with our bodies) 

"I only like a hug if someone asks first" -Asha

"This is the animal shelter where we protect animals" -Ben 

"H is for Hugs, I like a hug" -Luke K. 

"Your hug looks like a heart" -Luke M. 

"My hands are small and yours has nail polish" -Caleb (comparing hands with sophia and Annabel)



Today we continued our exploration of feet and hands with a sensory walk party. We also worked on a special portrait art project for our Identity Party on October 27. In addition to all the identity project fun we began discussing our Class Halloween Costume ideas. We have narrowed down the theme to either Foods or Sea Creatures. We will hold a vote next week to decide!