Happy Thursday!
Check out the amazing conversations that have developed out of our explorations of the self and bodies. The children have really showed off their theories, inquiries, performances and leadership throughout this exploration. Get ready for some Halloween creations next week and our Me, Myself and I Identity Celebration on Friday 10/27! Thanks for reading!
We spent Monday observing and experimenting with our hands. We drew pictures of hands and made signs. We also prepared to vote on our halloween costumes!
“This is my robot sea creature”
“This is a tall tower for the city”
We spent the day drawing, writing, building and reading. We took a break to have a snack party, have spanish with Michelle, and vote for our group Halloween costume. Sea creatures won the vote with a tally of 8-4
Our Wednesday was jam packed with fun and learning. After a morning exploring faces and clay we had super soccer starz with Jojo and cooking with Diane.
Thursday always brings exciting changes and explorations. We spent the morning building museums with playdough, growing extra tube arms, building a giant ship, and playing twister in the 3B room. After a restful snack we danced and sang with Evan. After seeing such lively explorations and great teamwork the teachers decided we needed a reward, specifically a pumpkin walk reward! We got the 3 biggest pumpkins we could find, took a vote and brought one back to school to carve before Halloween.