Monday began with a relaxed and focused vibe. Many of the children began preparing decorations and gifts and writing notes for our party.
“This my hat, crown for head”
“I’m making my mom a necklace and me a choker. I need to twist them together to make them bigger for a grown up.”
“I need all the letters for my name before I start”
This Tuesday was filled with literacy and science explorations. We measured our pumpkins and wrote out our observations. Practicing writing numbers and letters has been such a fun challenge. We also took time to share about ourselves and finish up our Me, Myself and I projects.
“How big is the pumpkin? What’s this number? I can write it. 37. ”
“I like my neck because I can wear a sparkly necklace that my mom got me”
With all of our party preparations the pre-k class has taken on amazing new leadership positions. Sophia began teaching our friends how to draw rainbows, this grew into an entire documentation wall in our classroom. Caleb also led party preparations in dramatic play, while Ben and Luke K. guided construction in the block center. We made a museum and decided our Curriculum celebration would be a museum tour and a party.
In addition we taste tested foods of different textures with Diane and practiced stopping and kicking the soccer ball with Jo Jo.
The room was abuzz with costume ideas today! We were so excited to welcome our families to our Me, Myself and I party on Friday!
Our Me, Myself and I party and museum was such a success! Thank you all for coming!