Identity: Initiating, empathizing and collaborating

It has been an amazing journey studying the self! As we gear up for our final identity celebration next week we have noticed some great developments in social, academic and artistic expression. Exploring hands, feet, and faces has naturally progressed to an increased awareness of self and confidence in identifying characteristics. Most apparent is the group's confidence in their leadership skills. These skills manifest and express themselves differently in each child.

We show great pride in a variety of areas:

  1. empathy toward others
  2. creativity in art 
  3. building improvisations
  4. Initiating and creating games 
  5. Keen observation skills 
  6. guiding and teaching 
  7. Dance skills 
Look everyone. This is my museum for mummy and in Egypt! I make it. Don’t break it.
— Luke K.
I will help you make a hand
— James (teaching Luke K. how to trace a hand)
We are taking care of the baby
— Luke K. and Grant
Dance party!
— Ben
I’m really strong. I think I can carry it alone
— Asha
I can help them with making a ship. I can make it beautiful
— Caleb
I’m voting for sea creatures because I want to be a turtle
— James
I’m very gentle with the bunny, right Syd? Super gentle and nice
— Cooper
I’m making suns for my mom and dad, It’s like the lights of Diwali
— Sophia

Happy Friday! 

We had such an amazing Diwali celebration today with Sanjay and Alexandra! Thanks so much for teaching us about the new year celebration of lights and showing off your beautiful outfits and dance moves.