Week of 9/30

Classroom Highlight: 2B

2B has a new classroom tradition! On Wednesdays they visit the farmers market to pick up local produce to cook on Friday. This week they decided to make a Beet and Dill Salad with Lemon. They prepared the ingredients by chopping the beets, picking the dill off of the stem and squeezing lemon on top. It was a simple yet delicious recipe! The children have been focusing on different foods and spices over the last few weeks and will continue on trying new flavors every Friday.

Baby + ME

We are starting a new BABY + ME program. Siblings and friends are welcome! Classes vary from Little Chefs, Baby Sign Language, Story Time and Songs & Open Play in Español. The first class you take is completely free and we will have the option of drop in or semester classes through December. Click here to see our calendar and attend a class!

Pumpkin Picking and Hayride Trip

Classrooms 2A and up will be taking a fall trip to the Pumpkin Patch in Melville, NY. Buses will leave from Buckle My Shoe Tribeca promptly at 8:30 AM on Wednesday, October 16th. Please fill out the permission slip below! Please RSVP no later than today if you haven’t done so yet. We need an exact count for the buses and staffing. The permission slip is below.


Week of 9/23


Classroom Highlight: 3B

The 3B class had a big science experiment planned but first they needed to find some paint. Instead of using the store bought paint that lives on the shelves at Buckle My Shoe, they decided to make their own. It was fascinating to see what paint is made up of. Just mix blend flour, water, food coloring and spices. Then comes the really fun part, picking all the colors they want to make! The choices were endless.

Pumpkin Picking and Hayride Trip

Classrooms 2A and up will be taking a fall trip to the Pumpkin Patch in Melville, NY. Buses will leave from Buckle My Shoe Tribeca promptly at 8:30AM on Wednesday, October 16th. Please fill out the permission slip below! The RSVP deadline is October 2nd. Please buy one ticket per child and per adult.

Events and School Closures 

  • Monday + Tuesday 9/30-10/1 CLOSED (Rosh Hashanah) 

  • Wednesday, 10/9: SCHOOL CLOSED (Yom Kippur) 

  • Monday, 10/14 SCHOOL CLOSED (Columbus Day)

  • Wednesday, 10/16 Pumpkin Picking and Hayride Trip

  • Wednesday 10/23 Parent Mixer

  • Thursday, 10/31: Halloween Parade


Indoor Shoes

At BMS, we do our very best to create an atmosphere and environment that feels warm and cozy for children. We also want to ensure a clean and sanitary space. For this reason, we ask that parents supply a pair of indoor shoes to keep at school. We truly appreciate your support with supplying these for your child and by helping them change from outdoor to indoor shoes when they enter the classroom.

Indoor shoes should have secure bottoms with grip. The children are often navigating the hallways, using the bathrooms and other common spaces in the schools. Crocs, Moccasins, or slippers with grips are ideal!

Thanks for your help!

Week of 9/16

Calendar of Events 

Download our Calendar of Events which tells you all of the BMS happenings through June! Individual classroom celebrations will vary and teachers/classroom communicators will be in touch with you about specific events and trips. We love having parents come in and share their culture/expertise! Please let your teacher know if you would like to come in to celebrate a holiday, bake something fun or if have any local business/community ties that might be of interest in the classroom please share! 

Classroom Highlight: Pre-K 

The Pre-K class is focusing on the importance of composting. Composting is a great opportunity to teach our community about recycling and the natural cycle of life. They took a trip to the Farmers Market to learn about the process of composting and how it can better our environment. They will start their own compost in the classroom next week and deliver the soil to the farmers market on Greenwich Avenue. They also got to try all local fruit and vegetables that were are in season!

Buckle My Shoe Afternoons 

Follow our Afternoon Instagram to see what the children are up to! The fun and learning continues…


Classroom Communicators 

This year we will have one Classroom Communicator per classroom! We would like to highly encourage parents to use the Nurish App to set up playdates or introduce themselves to other parents in their classroom. Please check out this simple “tip sheet” on how to make everything easier for you!


Please make sure that your child’s cubby has an extra set of clothing and weather-appropriate options as the weather is changing. We want to make sure that everyone is prepared for outdoor walks, visits to the park and local trips! 

Pumpkin Picking & Hayride Trip (2A and up)

This year our fall trip will be to the White Post Farm in Melville, NY. We will have the chance to pick a pumpkin, enjoy a fun hayride and feed the animals on the farm! Please make sure to sign your permission slip below to RSVP for the trip. The deadline to sign up is 10/2. 

Events and School Closures 

  • Monday + Tuesday 9/30-10/1 CLOSED (Rosh Hashanah) 

  • Wednesday, 10/9: SCHOOL CLOSED (Yom Kippur) 

  • Monday, 10/14 SCHOOL CLOSED (Columbus Day)

  • Wednesday, 10/16 Pumpkin Picking and Hayride Trip

  • Wednesday 10/23 Parent Mixer

  • Thursday, 10/31: Halloween Parade

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Week of 9/6

A warm welcome to all for the 2019-2020 school year! It's so great to be back and feel the excitement in each classroom as the children head back to another great year. The warm home environment you provide for your child and ongoing communication with us will ensure that your preschooler continues to grow into his or her own special person. We can’t wait to watch each child thrive this year!

Please take a look at reminders for the year below:


September has been a busy month and Nurish will help us organize school happenings and stay in touch with other families/ teachers. Please take the time to download Nurish as we will be using it for events and teacher notifications going forward. Take a look at this parent manual if you are curious how to work the app or email carina with any questions. The first class with all of their families signed up will have a class PIZZA party!


Every classroom has a sign-in/out sheet in the doorway. Please remember to sign your child in and out every day


Classroom blogs will be sent to you every Friday at 6:00 PM from your child’s teachers. To log on to your classroom page please go to our parent’s page on our website.  The password for your classroom is Buckling.


Follow your child’s classroom private Instagram account. Please let our teachers know if you have a different username than your name so they can accept your request 


Strollers left in the entryway or in the halls are a fire hazard and could lead to a violation from the Health Department, Buildings Department, or Fire Department. We cannot emphasize enough how important it is to keep walkways completely clear.  Our students walk the halls and it’s imperative we keep a safe non-cluttered environment for them as they move from space to space. In addition, we have monthly fire-drills and strollers in the way could impede our exit from the building.  

Stroller Policy Points 

  • Strollers MUST be folded properly  

  • Strollers must be compact, foldable umbrella types.

  • Bassinet Strollers are only allowed for infants 6 months and under.

  • Strollers must be hung on racks or placed flush against wall.

  • No floor space may be blocked by a stroller.  


Every student must have a medical and information sheet in their file in order to come to school. Please make sure your child’s medicals and that we have a copy at the front desk. Please also notify the Admin team if you have moved or have a email you prefer to use. 

*Flu Vaccine

Between July 1 and December 31, all children ages 6 months to 59 months must receive one dose of flu vaccine if they attend day care, Head Start, pre-K or nursery school.


If you’re still interested in ordering Little Green Gourmets lunch delivery service for your child, please reach out to them. Click here to read more information about their company and place an order.


The 2A class started our first week with a collaborative painting project while listening to soothing classical music. The music gave us an opportunity to work calmly and to focus on our work- it's amazing how music can greatly impact our mood and demeanor. Working together as a whole class promotes connections between new friends, positive social interactions, and allows children to learn different painting techniques from one another. We find that the children learn the most from each other! 


The Separation Breakfast was a great success! It was so nice to share stories and tips on how to make transitioning easier. Please take a look at our upcoming events below and let us know if you’re interested in hosting an event or have any suggestions for a workshop. We would love to hear your ideas and always encourage parent involvement here at BMS!


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  • Monday + Tuesday 9/30-10/1 SCHOOL CLOSED (Rosh Hashanah) 

  • Wednesday, 10/9: SCHOOL CLOSED (Yom Kippur) 

  • Monday, 10/14 SCHOOL CLOSED (Columbus Day)