This week was Week of the Young Child. Each day had a theme that we enjoyed following.
On Monday, we celebrated Music Monday. The morning was filled with all sorts of musical experiences, from singing along to favorite songs, to being as loud as we could be on the drum, to listening to some new music. The friends listened to two very different classical pieces, The Flight of the Bumblebee and Brahm’s Lullaby. We talked about what made the two songs different, then danced to both of them. On Monday, we also had karate and enjoyed having George’s grandpa come in to read to the class.
On Tuesday, we had Tasty (Taco) Tuesday. We read the book “Dragons Love Tacos” then made some delicious tacos. The friends love eating them! We also had an early birthday celebration for Luke. His family came in and we enjoyed some cupcakes and silly hats.
Wednesday was Work Together Wednesday. We made paintings together by using paintbrushes that were tied together. As usual, we had Spanish. The friends are really starting to learn the Spanish words! We also explored clay and had a special visitor, Alana’s Mom, Mary Alice. She read some books and enjoyed her visit from Canada!
Thursday was Artsy Thursday. We worked on decorating our flower pots and started a big canvas painting as a group art piece. We got messy painting with fly swatters. Good thing we had some old T-shirt’s to wear while we painted! We also had music with Evan. Alana was out, so Bridget from downtown came in.
Friday was Special Persons Day. It was a very special day indeed. Every child in our school had an adult with them and we were delighted to see all of the adults that are so special to the children. We planted flowers in our painted flower pots and enjoyed eating a snack together.
I hope that you all have a great weekend! Try to remember to water your new flowers.
-Miss Alana