Thank you everyone for joining us on this journey together and remotely learning online until we get back together in the classroom. This week was really about exploring our google classroom and our morning meeting chats. It’s going to take some time getting used to but its an amazing way for the children to keep in touch with each other and share their home lives.

Kings & Queens

Extending our King and Queen play, friends made crowns using different shapes.


Extending upon our space theme, friends decorated paper towel or toilet paper tubes with space-themed items, and discussed how scientists use telescopes to gaze up at the stars and planets.

Sensory Play

Friends filled Ziploc bags with some oil and colors of their choice. Creating sensory bags is a great way to get some much needed input. They can help children relieve stress, relax, and stay calm. They are also lots of fun to make!

Drawing Together

During morning meeting, we all drew pictures of spiders. Kate was so excited about her drawing that she ran to show us a spider her brother and sister made in their grandmas room.

Reading Together

Liv showed us her new story: My Mom Turned into a Unicorn. We also read Curious George.. Starting Monday we would like to have parents sign up to read to us during morning meeting.