Taking advantage of our park isn’t the only place we can go outside to have fun. Sometimes just sitting in front of the school, drawing pictures on the floor, and greeting our neighbors, is a great day to enjoy outside time.


We realized a lot of friends have the same kind of food. One day 3 friend had peppers for lunch. After talking about it, we agreed that we wanted to make guacamole.. Liv told us she doesn’t like spicy food so we didn’t put any garlic. We used just avocado and lemons to start. The next time we make it we will add another ingredient. Squeezing the avocado and lemon with our fingers helped work and develop our fine motor skills.


The children asked for the sand to be kept in the sensory box for another week. Ellie and Emma made play dough in the afternoon for us to use the next morning. The children used the play-dough to create a variety of things.

Liv and Ellie - purses

Will - gorilla

Sam - coins for the purses the girls made

Sebastian - rolled and covered his car in the play dough


Cooking tools can be used for more than just cooking. This week we used a salad mixer to create spin art. The children all got to pick the colors they wanted and got to spinning..

Literacy and Patterns

During circle time we copied the shapes we saw on the board. We started with circles, squares and triangles. Afterward, we talked about what letter they start with and what other words start with those same letters.