What did you find on the floor?
During circle time we sang good morning while playing the xylophone. Every week we try to introduce a new way to sing good morning and start our day. A lot if mornings the children bring in objects at home and want to share with their friends. This week Ellie brought in a Mickey Mouse book and after we read it we realized the Emma and Will were wearing something with Mickey Mouse on them.
Weekly the sensory table gets filled up with something new based on things the children are interested in. This week we explored sand.
Adding to our space journey, we made Jupiter. We found out Jupiter is the biggest planet. Will said maybe it was blue and Emma said it was green. We looked at a picture of it and came to the conclusion it is brown and cloudy. We mixed all our colors together and made brown and at the end added some sand to give it a cloudy texture.
While building with connectors Will told me us he made a pancake mixer and Liv and Sam were excited to join.
Sharing is the biggest part of our day. Sam came in one morning super excited to show us his stickers and asked if his friends can have some too. He used them later on as tickets in the block area for them to go on the train.
On Thursday, for shared snack, Sebastian brought in a whole bag of snack goodies to share. Thank you friends!