The week started off with some great dramatic play in the block area. The children pretended to be pirates and were jumping in the water.

There was also some great building and teamwork with the projector. Having the colors change on the wall really got the children curious and working this week.

We played a new game called The Sticker Game. One child sits on a chair and gets a sticker placed on their forehead. The other children then come up with clues for the child to figure out what is on his/her head.

We introduced the children to a new letter matching game. Using craft sticks and a box, the children had to match the letter on the craft stick to the letter on the box. This was great for letter recognition, fine motor development, and one-to-one correspondence.

Using the letter box, we also created an amazingly fun obstacle course. The children had to climb up the playset, slide down the pole, crawl under a table, hop in 3 hoops, climb up a chair, crawl or walk across a table, go down a chair, walk along some hollow blocks, and then place their letter sticks in the appropriate spots. This is a wonderful way to tie movement and literacy together. Next week we’ll do it with a puzzle!

Of course, with Halloween right around the corner, we continued working on monster costumes…and we transformed our pumpkin into a jack-o-lantern.

Don’t forget to check out our Instagram account to see more pictures and videos! BMSWV2018