This week was all about continuing our monster study/Halloween prep and beginning our school wide intent where we are focusing on social-emotional development, specifically feelings. We began with a story titled The Very Frustrated Monster by Andi Green. After the story we had a discussion about the times we feel frustrated and what we can do to make ourselves feel better.

The times when the children feel frustrated are:

  • When someone doesn’t listen to them

  • When someone says something that hurts their feelings

  • When someone yells at them

  • When someone hits them

  • When someone picks another person over them

What can we do to feel better?

  • Talk to a teacher/parent/adult

  • Relax by yourself

  • Take a deep breath

Next week we will create feelings jars and calm down jars.

Focusing on the monster portion of our study, this week the children drew pictures of monsters, and began working on their Halloween monster costumes.

Lights were a big part of our exploration this week. The sensory table was filled with soapy water and colored submsersible lights and the block area had string lights and colored submersible lights.

We had our first music day with Ms. Emily! The children loved singing and dancing with her. She’ll be coming to BMS every Tuesday.

This week we used milk, dishwashing liquid, and watercolor paint for our science project! The children were surprised when the dishwashing liquid made the watercolor paint move.

October self-portraits are complete and up on the wall.

Here are some other moments that happened this week.