Language & Literacy

This week we played an alphabet game where the children had to circle the letter that was written on a board. There was also the ABSeas game and a letter matching game.

I’d like to start book making with the children soon, but first, I had to find out what they know about books.

The magna-tile area was so popular this week that we had to create a sign-up sheet for the children to all get at turn to work in the area.


The children’s magna-tile structures are changing. Some children are starting to build taller structures, some are creating wider structures, and others are creating more detailed work in regards to the pieces they are using. I’m seeing less squares being used and more triangles making their way into the different structures.

George was proud of his last tower because he was able to make it taller than his first one.

Noam used to only use squares as a base for her structures. Now she always begins with the small triangles. Changing her foundation has changed the way she builds.

Leo and Nora were creating an office in the block area. They decided that for an office, you needed computers. We decided to go over the art area to create computers. Using a real computer as a model, they proceeded to create their work computers, paying attention to the fact that the computers had buttons all over the keyboard.

Liv made a cast for her hand using paper and tape.

Marisa made lots of paper cut outs at the writing center.


This week we mixed subitizing (seeing numbers quickly), with a ten-frame, and patterns. It was Aidan’s idea to create a pattern. Good thinking Aidan!


Coach Hector was able to start soccer earlier on Thursday so that we would have enough time to go to the park!

Sticker Game

The children LOVE playing the sticker game. Everyone is getting better and better at giving clues.

Home Fun!

In preparation for our Curriculum Morning, over the next few days, please collect any loose parts you may have at home. 

Loose parts can be anything: recyclable materials, buttons, yarn, old jewelry, fabric scraps, old trays, old utensils, etc.  Anything you can think of can be a loose part.   I can’t wait to see what you find!