
Stone Soup

A team building cooperative game

After reading Stone Soup, we played the game! Stone Soup, created by Peaceable Kingdom, is a wonderful cooperative game where everyone wins! Children work on memory skills, social development, and helping others. It is a great way to play in a non-stressful situation, the children share ideas as they discuss using the magic stone, and have FUN with each other.

As we played, friends cheered each other on, hoping they would find the matching card. When someone made a match, everyone screamed out in excitement!

Curriculum Morning

Thank you all for making it out to Curriculum Morning! I hope you were able to get in touch with your inner child and see the possibilities that loose parts have to offer. You and your children made some amazing structures: Empire State Buildings, Jeddah Tower, rocket-ships, and Rapunzel’s Tower.

We used the leftover fruit and yogurt from Curriculum Morning to make some delicious smoothies!

Sensory Bottles

I’m working on making some sensory bottles for the children to use when they need some time alone or just a tool to use when they need a little reset. The first one I’ve made has been loved by all! Aidan wanted some alone time and decided to explore the bottle. He observed as the glitter moved up, down, sideways, and all around. After a few minutes, he was calm, cool, and collected and was ready to play with his friends.

This bottle was filled with water, baby oil, and blue glitter.

If anyone has any Voss water bottles around, please bring them in for us. I find that these bottles work the best! Thanks in advance!


Happy Thanksgiving!