This week…


Painting with paintbrushes!

The 1A friends are now maneuvering their paintbrushes across their canvas papers with ease.

-Painting with a paintbrush helps children develop their concentration, eye-hand coordination, and fine and gross motor skills.

Painting with young children not only helps their creative development, but it also stimulates their brain. Children who paint learn to think with an open mind, to look at situations creatively. They learn to express themselves more deeply through their art and their words.

-We took the opportunity to practice or colors in English and Spanish:

-Red ( Rojo )

-Blue ( Azul )

-Orange ( Anaranjado)

-Green ( verde )

-Paint (pintar)

Spanish Class!

This week in Spanish class, new vocabulary was introduced: Heart ( corazón), Friend ( amigo), Hug ( abrazo).

Creating Sticky Paint!

With just corn syrup and food coloring, the 1A children created thick, vibrant colors. The students immediately noticed the heaviness of the new paint, dripping from their paintbrushes. Enjoying the sticky sensation on their hands, friends giggled and clapped their hands.

Valentines Day Breakfast Celebration!

For Valentine's day, the 1A students shared a delicious breakfast!

-Parents, don’t forget to check your little ones cubbies!

The 1A friends worked hard, creating beautiful hand made keychains for their mommies and daddies.

Happy Valentine's day, 1A Families.

Reminder: Please Remember Buckle My Shoe will be closed February 17th and February 18th. Thank you.

Have a lovely weekend.