Happy Parents’ Day! We hope you were pleasantly surprised by the goodies your children worked so hard to make. They have been so excited about preparing gifts just for you- they love you so much!

This week we have seen such growth and development in the children in terms of cooperative play. They are creating play scenarios, such as traveling to a different island or place, and acting it out together as a large group. The children are seeking each other out to play with, having independent conversations, and are really doing much better at sharing and giving each other equal objects to play with. We are so proud of the 2A friends! So often we overhear the children talking about wanting the whole class to come over their house, go on a trip together, etc. They have truly become a tight-knit community and really enjoy being with one another.

Our fine motor skills have really had a big boost of late - we are doing such an amazing job with tasks like beading, cutting, and opening snacks by ourselves! These are important life skills that we are happy to see such big improvements in.

Next week is our last week with our various specialists! This week Ernestina had us go fishing again and taught us the names of the ocean creatures. Coach Jojo had us running around the gym without touching the different obstacles in our way. And Emily sang our favorite songs and let us take turns strumming on her guitar.
