Thank you for all of your participation and support this week! We loved hearing about how families celebrated the Holidays together this past weekend. Please see below for highlights from this week:


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Cooper used banana grams to practice a counting game! This game gives children the opportunity to practice number recognition, counting, and one to one correspondence. He also engaged his fine motor skills by practicing to scoop and pour the tiles.

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Nate incorporated Math into his everyday life! He used snack time as an opportunity to count out his cheerios. This type of learning is so authentic - it’s fun for the children and you can use anything to practice!


This week, we made literacy name puzzles! We started by writing our names on a strip of paper. Then, we used scissors to cut the letters into puzzle pieces. After, we mixed up the pieces and challenged the children to arrange them to spell their name. This was such a fun activity that allowed children to practice letter and sound recognition, as well as matching.

Observational Drawing

We drew on inspiration from nature to engage in observational drawing this week. These drawings encourage us to notice details such as size, color, and shape.


We did some planting this week. We started out by reading “Planting a Rainbow” by Lois Ehlert. Everyone brought different seeds: grapefruit, lemon, orange, avocado, radish, pear, and apple. We put the seeds in a damp paper towel, wrapped them up, then placed them in a zip loc bag. Be sure to tape the bag up to a sunny window - we can’t wait to see what grows!

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Nate explored a soapy rainbow sensory bin! These are so easy to create with everyday materials and offer endless possibilities for sensory play.


So many of the children were able to get out into nature this week! They noticed signs of Spring, such as trees growing leaves, animals, flowers sprouting, and sunny weather. We’re excited to hear about more of your adventures!

Next week, we will be doing activities surrounding The Week of the Young Child, where we celebrate the children and you, their families. The schedule will be as follows: Music Monday, Tasty Tuesday, Work Together Wednesday, Artsy Thursday, and Family Friday/Special Person’s Day. We’re excited to celebrate!

Materials for next week:

-recycled materials: plastic bottles, toilet paper rolls, caps, etc

-loose parts such as beans, rice, beads, etc

-paint or markers

-smoothie ingredients

-supplies to send mail

Afternoon virtual meetings will resume next week. Have a great weekend and be sure to send in pictures!
