Thanks for celebrating The Week of the Young Child with us! It was so great to celebrate the children and their families with diverse activities. See below for highlights from this week:

Music Monday

Music is an incredible learning tool for children. Music can help children develop and refine their social skills, express their emotions, and express their creativity. We loved learning about all of the children’s homemade instruments during morning meeting. After, we created a band and used our harmonica, shakers, guitar, and xylophone to play a song.

Tasty Tuesday

Tasty Tuesday was all about collaboration and sharing the special activity of cooking together. Cooking together is a great opportunity for bonding, practicing skills such as patience, and incorporating Math/Literacy/other languages. During morning meeting, we asked the children to make and describe their smoothies, as well as name them. It was such a nice sharing activity!

Work Together Wednesday/Earth Day

On Wednesday, we celebrated Work Together Wednesday and Earth Day. We asked the children to work collaboratively with a grown up to use recycled materials to build a structure. Building with recycled materials/loose parts allows for open ended thinking, creativity, and problem solving. We also celebrated Earth Day with a read aloud by Todd Parr, sharing artwork, and Earth Day treats.

Artsy Thursday

Children develop creativity, social skills, and fine motor skills with open-ended art projects where they can make choices, use their imaginations, and create with their hands. We asked the children to choose their own DIY, non traditional paint brush. They used: a cotton ball, q tips, a feather, a pipe cleaner, a toilet paper roll, and a fork. We noticed they all created different, unique lines on the paper. We loved seeing everyone’s creations!

Family Friday

On Friday, we celebrated Family Friday/Special Person’s Day. We loved having Nicole’s grandparents from Hong Kong, Amalia’s Mom, and Zoe’s aunt and Yaya join us for our morning meeting! We talked about what we like to do with our special people, did a scavenger hunt, read “The Family Book” by Todd Parr, and had a dance party. This was a great way to see the people who are an important part of your child's life and hear about what they love to do together.

Materials for next week:


-shaving cream

-food coloring

-materials to make a puppet (brown paper bag, envelope, a sock, popsicle sticks or straws, a balloon, etc + loose parts or markers)

-yogurt and berries

-egg carton + loose parts (pom poms, beads, pipe cleaners, rocks, gems, etc.)

Have a great weekend!
