
This was a big week for Pre-K! We are talking and understanding emotions. We started working on our own emotions, what are feelings and how do we manage them. Each child shared a feeling, what makes them feel that way and what should you do when you are feeling them.

Hyebeen: “I feel sad when I miss mommy.”

Angelo: “I am happy when my friends listen to me.”

Alexander: “I feel mad when people knock down my structure.”

Charlie: “I feel tired after my mommy and daddy give me a rub.”

Graydon: “I feel frustrated when someone is not listening.”

Aayush: “I feel confused when friends don’t listen.”

Milo: “I feel mad when someone breaks something.”

Alexander: “Monsters scare me.”

Rex: “Monsters, sharks, spiky fish,,, and spiky cactus scare me.”

Graydon: “Bees scare me.”


It’s October! Which means our specialists have started to visit us. The kids were very excited to make an apple orange salad with a lemon dressing with Diane. While making the salad we observed each ingredient. We discussed where they came from. Apples come from trees, Oranges come from trees and Lemons come from trees. We did some observational drawing with the cut fruit as-well.

We also got a visit from Jojo. The kids love soccer, they practiced running while kicking the ball. They all scored goals and played a game of run and freeze where you scored points if you had the most free space around you.

We also got visits from Ms. Ernestina for Spanish, Karate, and on Thursday we had Yoga with Jennifer.


Art masterpieces are an incredible source of learning opportunities. Through studying and discussing art children learn to pay attention to small details, colors, use of space, shapes, and creativity. This week we noticed a big interest in the use of scissors and drawing shapes. The children then became invested in drawing circles in different sizes. Many of them even expanded their shape interest in the clay center. They created round geometrical object in three-dimensional space which they call “balls”. We think this is a perfect opportunity to take a look at some of Wassily Kandinsky’s famous work. We are so excited to see the journey our “cutting circles project” will take us.


It’s every kids favorite time of the year!

We took this opportunity to introduce the concept of voting by organizing a class vote. We first began by write down everyone’s amazing idea for our class costume. We then encouraged everyone to vote for their favorite idea. We will review the results together as a team next week. We are so excited to finalize our class decision.