A message from The Pre-K Team

We hope you all have had a wonderful week! We are happy to report that we have received great feedback and so much support from our Pre-K families. We know this current moment in our lives is difficult and a big adjustment, especially for our little ones but we will overcome and work this through, together, as a community. Pre-K parents, you are all doing such an amazing job supporting the children’s daily schedules, thank you for remaining active posting homefuns, and the assignments on our google classrooms. It has been a key element for us teachers in staying connected with the children.

On the bright side, we are realizing that this experience is beginning to tie in with our community project. Our future plan was to eventually take trips to our favorite local shops, restaurants, and maybe even visit each others homes. In some way, we are getting a glimpse of our homes through our virtual chats. We are connecting in a different level. The children are so excited to give us tours of their bedrooms, introduce their family pets, and share all of the amazing things they like to do while at home.

This week’s happenings in our virtual classroom:

We have planned a fun themes for Literacy week next week. The children were also very excited to share some of their favorite story books from home.

Our specials this week have been a huge success, the children are so excited to join our live videos and participate!

Home Projects: Pen Pals

Ellis has initiated a special project in hopes that everyone joins in on the fun. We are so excited to see pictures and videos of Pre-K sending/receiving beautiful written cards and drawings from each other!

We also heard Geneva has ordered caterpillars, I think we see another project coming very soon!

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Homefuns and assignments seem super enjoyable for you all! Please continue to post on our google classroom.

Themes for next week’s virtual meetings:

The children have planned to dress up for next week, this is what we came up with!

Monday: Check ins/Individual morning meetings

Tuesday: Dress up as your pet/your favorite animal

Wednesday: Favorite Story Character

Thursday: Sports day

Friday: Tea party

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We love our little morning chats! We will be emailing you all shortly with a new plan for the following weeks. We have so many planned activities and more ways to interact with the children virtually! We cannot wait to share it with you all.

Warm virtual hugs,

The Pre-K Team!