January 18, 2019

Every morning we welcome all the children as they arrive. During circle time we sing our good morning song, and as we go around, each child articulates their name. The children are learning and expressing more words as they develop their language skills. Each interaction contributes to their language development; whether they are singing songs, responding to questions or engaging in activities.

Spanish, Cooking with Diane, and Music, are our weekly specialists. The afternoon children have Karate and Yoga. Each specialists promote a learning experience that contributes to their physical and cognitive development.


Cooking with Diane

The children tasted different fruits, Orange, Grapefruit and Pineapples.






Cooper and Charles did their first self-portraits. The teacher asked, “Where your hair, eyes, mouth, and nose are?” They each pointed and recognized where their features were before they maneuvered the writing tool on their self-portrait pads.

Circle Time

January 11, 2019

Songs we Sang:

  • Mr. Muffin Man

  • Bubble Gum

  • ABC

  • 5 Speckled Frogs

  • 5 Little Monkeys

  • Baby Shark

  • If You’re Happy and You Know it, Clapp your Hands

  • 7 days in a Week

  • What’s the Weather?

  • Buenos Dias

  • Calabaza

  • Un Pequeno Dedo

  • Open, Shut Them…..

  • The Wheels on the Bus….

  • Mr. Sun

  • You are My Sunshine

  • Itsy Bitsy Spider

Books we read:

  • My Colors Mis Colores

  • Is Your Mama a Llama?

  • A Big Guy Took My Ball!

  • Don’t Let the Pigeon Stay up Late!

  • For Just One Day

  • Stick and Stone

  • Hug Machine

  • Don’t Push the Button

  • Brown Bear

  • From Head to Toe

  • Maisy Goes to Preschool

  • The Thank you Book

  • A Pocket for Corduroy

  • Mi Primer Libro de los Colores

  • Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You?

  • Mi Primer Libro de los Numeros

Highlights of the Week:




Reading Sessions:



Cooking with Diane




Re-measuring our height with unit blocks

January 4, 2019

Welcome back everyone and Happy New Year! As we embark to the New Year, we hope to continue providing an interactive, fun and learning experience for all children. Children use play to drive their own learning and when young toddlers are allowed and actively encouraged to explore and follow their own interests, they develop an understanding of their actions. It is always important to keep in mind that there are different learning methods: music, building, drawing, movements……….etc.

We sang and read a variety of books. Spanish songs are always included. For example, Buenos dias and Un pequeno dedo are among the songs.

Highlights of the week:

Before going to the gym, I asked the children to sit on the brown rug, where the block center is.  They all sat together and made a small circle and waited quietly for the teachers' cue.  We sang one of their favorite songs before entering the gym, the Wheels on the Bus!   





Circle Time:

Time to measure the children’s height with unit blocks:

December 21, 2018

Each day children are growing, learning and shaping their personality.  As they engage with their peers, they learn to work together, understand each other, and respect their space.   They are learning to use their words, and each child is unique and creative. This classroom is a community of diverse learners and embracing their abilities is essential.  I am happy to be part of their growth and development.  

Songs we sang:

Good Morning Song-

  • Hello, how are you?

  • Good morning to you Leela, 3x, How are you today?

  • Leela is here today, Leela is here today, everybody shout, Hooray! Leela is here today! (These are some of the good morning songs)

  • The Muffin Man

  • ABC

  • Five Little Ducks

  • Five Little Speckled Frogs

  • Five Little Monkeys

You are my Sunshine

Mr. Sun (favorite)

What’s the weather?

There are 7 days in a week

Jump in the water in the………. (one of their favorites)

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star (and many more)

The Wheels on the Bus

Head and Shoulders, Knees and Toes

If your Happy and You Know it Clap your Hands

Bubble Gum

The children are becoming more creative and verbal as they interact, build and connect with the different materials.

Happy Holiday!

Happy New Year!

December 14, 2018

We read different books and sing a variety of songs each week (Spanish and English). Learning occurs as the children interact and engage with different materials and activities. They also learn from each as they work in pairs and groups. As teachers, we try to make learning fun and interactive. Learning is about understanding how everything works in our environment.

As we took a stroll in the neighborhood, we saw a variety of things. We talked about the different color and shape (big, small) of cars and trucks we saw.

Highlights of the week:


Manipulative Toys:




Cooking with Diane


December 7, 2018

Different books were read:

  • Little Blue and Little Yellow

  • Manners Time

  • Sharing Time

  • Hug Machine

  • Should I Share My Ice Cream?

  • The Thank You Book

  • Bear Says Thanks

  • My First Chanukah

  • Subway

  • Jingle Paws

  • The Napping House and many more

Songs we sang:

  • Good Morning Songs

  • Jump in the middle

  • Where is Thumbkin

  • Where is blue (A glove with different color on each finger)

  • ABC

  • Five Little Monkeys

  • Five Little Speckled Frogs

  • Five Little Ducks

  • Muffin Man

  • Bubble Gum

  • Buenos Dias

  • Un pequeno dedo

  • Hasta Manana and more

This week was shared snack week. The children brought in a special snack to share with their peers. This promotes independence and kindness as they say thank you!

The children engaged and participated in different activities:

November 30, 2018

Social/Emotional Development

 Our guiding study of the year, Social and Emotional Development: Emotional development is learning to recognize and express feelings while social development is the process of learning self-expression and how to interact with others. They both begin from very early on. 

Toddlers are growing and developing and learning what feelings and emotions are, understanding how and why they happen, recognizing one’s feeling and those of others.  Children are exposed to different situations, and they manifest different emotions. Each child has their differences and similarities in how they express their thoughts and feelings.  It is essential to provide and develop effective ways of managing them.

We have been approaching and investigating different ways in which we are Integrating Social Emotional Learning throughout the Day in the Classroom:

  • Make it a goal to start each day with a personal connection.  For example, giving a warm greeting to welcome each child as they arrive in the morning

  • Give children opportunities to work with a partner and groups.  It helps children learn to cooperate and share the space they are working in

  • They learn to share materials

  • They learn to make decisions and respect each other’s decision

  • Give them new words to say; for example, thank you and please

As the children are exploring, they are also recognizing and articulating their emotions. We are creating Emotions book! Each book will contain their different facial expressions: for example, happy, sad, surprised, and sleepy. Being able to recognize the feeling helps them to understand them.

Thank you for attending the curriculum.

Please take a little time to read and look at the different documentation we have displayed on the wall during drop-off or pick-up. Thank you!

Highlights of Week!

Happy Birthday Rohan!

November 21, 2018

The children participated and interacted in different activities. We sang and read different songs and books. This week we explored and read three new books, Bear Says Thanks, Sharing Time and Manners Time. They are excellent books that help young children to understand sharing, taking turns, saying please and thank you. These books relate to our curriculum of the year, Social/Emotional Development. Toddlers experience many emotions! How they recognize and manage their feelings, are an essential aspect of their development.

We are creating Emotions book! Each book will contain their different facial expressions. For example, happy, sad, surprised, and sleepy. Being able to recognize the feeling, helps them to understand them. The children are also engaged in working together by singing and acting out the motion of the song, Row, Row your boat! They each depend on their movements as they sway.

Emotional Learning throughout the Day in the Classroom:

  • Make it a goal to start each day with a personal connection.  For example, giving a warm greeting to welcome each child as they arrive in the morning

  • Give children opportunities to work with a partner.  It helps children learn to cooperate and share the space they are working in

  • Work in groups

  • They learn to share materials

  • They learn to make decisions and respect each other’s decision

  • Give them new words to say; for example, thank you and please

Highlights of the week:

Specialist: Music, Karate, Spanish, and Cooking with Diane




November 2, 2018

October 26, 2018

Children Wooden Unit Blocks have been the standard for the classroom because of their proportions, (length is twice the width, width is twice thickness).  They facilitate the learning of spatial concepts and simple geometry.   Building with blocks promotes skills that involve the whole child.  Each child moves their muscles differently to build and create  structures.

It was time to create a face for our class pumpkin! Therefore, we voted on three different shapes, circle, triangle, and square. Using white paper, we cut small pieces of each shape. They were placed on a yellow tray and during circle time, we asked the children to select the shape they want.

October 19, 2018

As we engage, interact and formulate different circle time activities, the children are learning to articulate their peers and teachers names, and understand our usual routines. We are observing how the children are adapting and expressing their interests or disinterests. Their pace helps us as teachers to understand their disposition.

Songs that were sung during the week:

  • ABC

  • Mr. Sun

  • Johnny works with one hammer

  • Mr. Muffin

  • Head and Shoulders, Knees and Toes

  • The Wheels on the Bus

  • What the Weather?

  • There are 7 Days in a Week..

  • 5 Speckled Frogs, Ducks and Monkeys

  • Baa Baa Black Sheep

  • Blow-up a Balloon…..

  • Old MacDonald

  • Row, Row, Row Your Boat

  • You are My Sunshine

  • Where is Thumbkin…..

  • Where is Blue…..

  • Row, Row, Row your boat

  • Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

    We also read a number of books!

Highlights of the Week:


October 12, 2018

Among the books we read and songs we sang are:

  • Hooray for Hats- A book that the children are beginning to enjoy listening to. It’s a book about friendship and how we could make a friend feel better, when they are sad.

  • Subway- favorite

  • Brown Bear- favorite

  • From Head to Toes


  • ABC

  • Wheels on the Bus…

  • Mr. Sun

  • Where is Thumbkin?

  • Watermelon

  • Five Little Pumpkins Sitting on a Gate

  • The Itsy Bitsy Spider

  • There are 7 days in a Week

  • What’s the weather?

  • Baa Baa Black Sheep

  • Muffin Man

  • Twinkle, twinkle little star

Highlights of the Week:

October 5, 2018

The children are learning as they play and interact with their peers and materials. They are gradually adjusting to the routines and schedules of the classroom. This week we started our self-portraits, and it will be a monthly routine. Self-portraits are drawn once a month. We sit one-on-one with a mirror, paper, and a sharpie marker. The mirrors encourage children to look closely at the shapes of their facial features. They observe and explore their image. As they look at their features: eyes, nose, mouth, and hair, they notice that each location and shape is different. For example, the direction of their nose is different from their hair. They learn to recognize themselves.

Also, self-portraits are not only about who they see in the mirror but also about their surroundings. They may include mom, dad, siblings, and pets. As the month’s progress, self-portraits will gradually change. Children and teachers will see how they are changing and growing. Children self-awareness and self-identification are displayed as they progress in their self-portraits. Each of our faces will vary in shape and proportion because we are all unique individuals!

Children utilize a tool to draw the self-portrait. The continuous movement helps and builds fine motor skills and bilateral coordination skills as well. The tool promotes the use of the pincer grasp and naturally strengthens the small hand muscles. Providing opportunities, practice, stimulation, and encouragement to refine their fine muscles will help them when they begin to learn to write.

We also started a schedule for all the children to have an opportunity to feed the fish. Caring for a small pet, such as a fish, can provide young children with the opportunity to learn more about animals.  As preschool teachers, we know that young children are engaged and learn best by doing.  We can certainly teach about animals through books and pictures; however, they can learn more when they can interact with one.  They can learn about caring for animals and the responsibility that goes with it.

Among the books we read and songs we sang are:

  • Brown Bear, Brown Bear

  • Subway

  • You Are My Sunshine!

  • Five Little Speckled Frogs

  • No, David!

  • Pete the Cat, I Love My White Shoes

  • Pete the Cat, Five Little Pumpkins

  • Hug Machine

  • Touch and Feel, Halloween book! among


  • Johnny works with one Hammer..

  • Head and Shoulder, Knees and Toes…

  • The Muffin Man

  • ABC

  • Five Little Speckled Frogs

  • Five Little Monkeys

  • What is red? Color Song

  • Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

  • Where is Thumbkin?

  • Mr. Sun

  • Old McDonald Had a Farm….

  • The Itsy Bitsy Spider (English and Spanish)

  • The Wheels on the Bus go Round and Round…

September 28, 2018

Each child learns at a different pace, and demonstrates their preferences as they interact with materials. Their disposition with clay, play dough, and paint is different with each child. Their interests allow us as teachers to create activities and build a community of learners. The children are gradually learning their peers and teachers names, sharing, taking turns, and respecting each others space.

The curriculum for the year is Social-Emotional. It will have different sections. For example, our first focus will be on Self Management/Self-expression. It will include: How do I care for myself?, How do I become resilient? How do I understand, acknowledge and express my feelings? and What makes me special?

Our School Wide Area of Research is Paint!

  • When a child engages in a painting project, does his/her emotional disposition change? Does a child having a difficult morning suddenly relax once painting is introduced?

  • How does painting help children connect with their peers?

  • As a child gains control over their fine motor capabilities, how does it affect the story/verbalization of the painting?

    Painting allows children to explore, discover and express themselves as they maneuver their paintbrush or hand to create their unique strokes.

This week we had our Back to School Picnic! Meeting parents and parents meeting each other enables us as a community to learn and understand each other. As a classroom community I welcome all my new and returning parents to Buckle My Shoe.

During the week the children have learned and engaged in different activities, sang and listened to songs, and many stories. Among the song we sang were:

  • Mr. Sun

  • ABC

  • What’s the Weather?

  • Where is Thumbkin?

  • Where is red? ( A song about colors, using a glove)

  • Watermelon

  • The Wheels on the Bus (favorite)

  • Head and Shoulders……

  • 5 little speckled frogs (finger puppet)

  • 5 little ducks

  • Old McDonald had a Farm (finger puppet)

  • 5 little Monkeys

  • Baby Shark

The highlights of the week:


Circle Time:

Manipulative Toys:


Picnic Day at Buckle My Shoe!

1A and Infant 1B joined 1B

September 21, 2018

The second week of school is as important as the first. Children are continuing adjusting to routines, schedules, teachers and peers. Their transition period gradually gets better. Each child has a different transition period; therefore, it is essential for teachers to go according to their pace. As each child observes and interacts with different hands-on activities, they engage with a variety of materials.

  • We have been reading a variety of books. They enjoy listening to Brown Bear, Brown Bear What do you see?, Pete the Cat, I love my White Shoes, Pete the Cat, I’m Rocking in My School Shoes, and Maisy Goes to Preschool.

  • We sang a variety of songs, including their favorite, The Wheels on the Bus, Go round and round and ABC. Music helps children’s mind and body work together. Exposing children to music, helps them learn the sounds and meanings of words. Dancing to music helps children build motor skills while allowing them to practice self-expression.

  • The children interacted and engaged with:

    • Manipulative Toys

    • Painting

    • Sensory Exploration- Clay, Model Magic, Water exploration, Sensory Scarfs and Play dough

Highlights of the week:

Today we interacted and engaed with:

September 14, 2018

Back to school is the most important time of the entire school year.  Having a smooth transition from summer to entering a classroom environment, can be difficult for some children.  Children will gradually get used to their classroom environment, as they interact and engage in classroom routines and activities.

School is always full of excitement and exploration.  The children are learning to adjust to their new classroom, centers, routines, schedules, teachers, and peers.  As they interact in different activities, they engage with peers and learn to share, work in groups and express how they feel as they develop their language skills.

During the week we interacted with:

  • Manipulative Toys

  • Making and Exploring play dough

  • Water Exploration 

  • Puzzles

  • Cloud Dough

  • Clay

  • Painting

  • Sensory Bags

  • Playdough

Below are some books we read:

  • Llama, llama Misses

  • Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed

  • Pete the Cat, I Love My White Shoes

  • Brown Bear, Brown Bear

  • My Colors, Mis Colores

  • Don’t Press, the button!

  • The Very Hungry Caterpillar

  • From Head to Toe

  • Pete the Cat, Rocking in My School Shoes

  • Find the Duck!Songs

  • Go Away, Big Green Monster!

Songs we sang:

  • ABC

  • Good Morning Song (Hello, how are you?)

  • Mr. Sun

  • The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round

  • Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star

  • Five Little Monkeys, Jumping on the Bed

  • Five Little Speckled Frogs

  • Five Little Ducks Went Out one Day

  • Open, Shut them

  • Head and Shoulders, Needs and Toes

  • Baa Baa Black Sheep

  • Itsy, Bitsy Spider

Highlights of the Week:

Today we explored: