June 14, 2019

Have a great Summer!!

Pajama Day!!

June 7, 2019

May 31, 2019



Circle Time


Cooking with Diane



May 24, 2019




Circle Time



Monday afternoon, Karate

Tuesday, Spanish with Ernestina

Wednesday, Soccer

Thursday, Music with Emily

Thursday afternoon, Yoga

May 17, 2019

We have used different tools to create unique art pieces, painting with Popsicle sticks, feathers, pipe cleaners, clothespin with yarn, pom poms, clothespin with cotton balls, and the popular rubber band painting tool. It’s also amazing what you can do with recycled materials or how the children maneuver and manipulate a painting tool. They are creating a different pattern, texture, and it allows children to explore and discover new things. Creating art expands a child’s ability to interact with the world around them, and provides a new set of skills for self-expression and communication. Learning about colors, mastering fine motor skills, and when children experiment with materials, they dabble in science. Most important, art helps their self-confidence; children feel good while they are creating.

We read a variety of books, and among the many songs we sang were:

  • ABC

  • Johnny works with one hammer…..

  • Head and Shoulders…..

  • Mr. Sun

  • You are My Sunshine

  • 7 days in a week

  • What’s the weather

  • Where is thumpkin…..

  • Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

  • Hello, how are you? Good Morning Song

  • Jump in the water

  • The Wheels on the Bus

  • Watermelon


Monday afternoon, Karate

Wednesday morning, Soccer

Tuesday morning, Spanish

Tuesday morning, Cooking with Diane

Thursday morning, Music

Thursday afternoon, Yoga




Measuring children using unit blocks

May 10, 2019

Circle Time


Manipulative and Blocks



Cooking with Diane

May 3, 2019

Charlie took home the caterpillars in their chrysalis stage over the break. During their stay with Charlie, they emerged into their adult stage, butterfly. Charlie, dad, and grandma came to bring the butterflies to school. The children were eager and excited to see them! Thank you, Charlie!

April 18, 2019

We read a variety of books and sang many songs throughout the week. Toddlers enjoy holding a book, turning the pages, and looking at the pictures. Experiences interacting with books teach him/her how to handle books. They learn that there is a front and a back to the book.  Young toddlers often show clear preferences and will ask to have a book read over and over again.  Reading is useful for toddlers; it will help your child relate what he hears to the words and letters on the page. When reading with a toddler, the primary goals include: developing his/her interests in books and language.



Cooking with Diane





Highlights of the Week:



Circle Time



Our Neighborhood Stroll

Annie, Charles mom, took the caterpillars in their Chrysalis stage, home. Charles will be taking care of them over the break.

April 12, 2019

Children's first learning years are a crucial time for cognitive, emotional and social development.  Early childhood education plays an essential role in fostering children's progress before the age of 5.  Young children are naturally full of creativity and curiosity to explore the world around them.  It's truly incredible what a child can pick up just through informal play, social interaction, and observation.  

We celebrate and embrace each family for their part to their child’s education and thank you all for coming in and participating with your child in the activities.

Highlights of the Week:



Cooking with Diane



The children had a lot of fun during the Week of the Young Child! In each activity in which they were involved in, fostered socialization, communication, language, participation, and creativity. As teachers, we try our best to guide and teach them to grow and thrive in all areas of development. We want them to become independent thinkers as we create activities for them to interact and engage with their peers.

April 5, 2019




Manipulative Toys:



Circle Time and Reading Sessions:


Cooking with Diane





March 29, 2019

Books we read:

  • The Dot

  • It’s Okay to be Different

  • How Do You Hug a Porcupine

  • Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site

  • Chicka Chicka Boom Boom

  • We’re Going on a Bear Hunt

  • Llama Llama Time to Share

  • Where Do Diggers Sleep at Night

  • I will be Okay

  • How do I Feel?

  • Donde est la Oveja Verde?

    These were among some of the books we read to the children. The children have been enjoying listening to many of the new books. We also sang a variety of songs.

Highlights of the Week:

Circle Time:








Cooking with Diane



March 22, 2019

Literacy week is to recognize and acknowledge the importance of reading to children, and celebrating all authors.  Reading aloud to toddlers expand their listening skills, continue to associate reading with warm, pleasant feelings while learning about words and language, and make links between pictures and stories in books and things and events in their world.  They also remember and join in with repetitive rhymes and phrases.   

As we celebrate Literacy Week, we invite parents, extended relatives, and friends, to read to the class. Charles mom, Annie, read to the children one of their favorite books, Hooray for Hat!  The children wanted her to continue reading Hooray for Books! And Hooray for Today! As she read all the books, the children focused and listened carefully.  

We gradually are receiving books from our wish list.  Thank you for your donation.




Pajama Day


Cooking with Diane:



March 15, 2019

Art: Art is a diverse range of activities in creating visual and imaginative, conceptual ideas.  As children engage with different tools, they develop techniques that allow them to maneuver the painting tool to create an art piece.  Exploring with sticks, painting recycled paper rolls for an art project, gluing, and painting on different surfaces (plastic wrapped around a table) are various areas in which children transpire their ideas through art.

A Stroll in the Neighborhood:




Cooking with Diane: Bread, strawberry and blueberry jam.

The children practice spreading the jam on the bread using a spoon, and some used the piece of bread to scoop the jam.




Circle time:

Each child had a sensory bottle. As they observed what was inside the container, the teacher asked, "What do you see inside the bottle?"

March 8, 2019

Songs we sang:

  • Muffin Man

  • Mr. Sun

  • Jump in the Water

  • There are 7 day in a week….

  • What the Weather?

  • 5 Little Speckled Frogs

  • 5 Little Monkeys

  • Old McDonald Had a Farm

  • Head and Shoulders

  • Bubble Gum

  • Watermelon

  • Color Song- Incorporating color songs during transition times- Example, Nicole is wearing red today, Nicole is wearing red today, go, go, Nicole, go Wash your Hands.

  • Mr. Sun

  • ABC

  • You are My Sunshine

  • Spanish Songs

    We read a variety of books everyday! Every week we create lessons plans that enable children to develop on all areas of development: Physical, Language, Cognitive, and Social and Emotional development. As teachers we want all the children to thrive in all areas.

We welcome parents, extended family, and friends to read to the children. The children enjoy the special time they share with other adults. Please, let us know when you would like to volunteer 15 or 20 minutes of your busy schedule. Thank you!!!



Cooking with Diane




Friday, March 1, 2019

We sang and read a variety of books!!

Highlights of the Week

Painting with Tempera Paint and Corn Syrup

Painting with Tempera Paint and Corn Syrup






Karate- Monday Afternoon

Spanish- Tuesday’s

Cooking with Diane- Tuesday’s

Soccer- Wednesday’s

Yoga- Thursday Afternoon

February 22, 2019


Our guiding study of the year, Social and Emotional Development, continues as our curriculum extends to our theme of the year, Painting.  Paint incorporates many hues.  It allows us to choose from a variety of colors as we create an art piece. Color is everywhere and on everything. 

Our mind is engaging with varying shades of hue consistently and associates them with different things; for example, flowers.  Even though we are so familiar with colors, there is a broad spectrum of uncertainty when it comes to using color for art.   But what brings us to select a color.  Is it the vividness? 

The colors pink and blue have been culturally decided to be the norm for boys and girls, pink for girls and blue for boys. Why?   In our canvas painting activity, one girl selected brown, another red.  As the children explore and enjoy the process of paint, they will develop a preference and choose colors that are inviting to them.

Color can be associated with a person’s mood, or enhance and influence their learning. For example, a child chooses the orange hue almost all the time and smiles as he explores the color with a paintbrush.  As children delve into a painting activity, each color has some significance as they investigate.  Color can have an impact on how a painting is created and how children learn and absorb information through their art.

Painting is also a sensory experience!

When children are asked to select hues for their art project, they observe all the colors, before pointing or articulating their choice.  There are many different colors, textures, and variety of paint that children can use to explore and create art. As they work, they develop techniques and select the color of their choice.  The pictures represent how each child chooses a tool and have their unique style of investigating paint and color.

  The right color decision is the foundation for a beautiful and engaging design.

Thank you, for attending our second Curriculum Day!

Rohan's grandparents and cousin came for a visit. Rohan’s grandmother read Caps for Sale by Esphyr Slobodkina to the children. The all focused and listened to the story. Rohan appeared excited as his grandparents and cousin interacted with the children and teachers.

Curriculum Day Art Work!

Friday, February 15, 2019


Monday, Karate

Tuesday, Spanish

Tuesday, Cooking with Diane

Wednesday, Soccer

Thursday, Music

Thursday, Yoga


Ice Painting:

Learning about our environment!


Interacting with different materials:

A stroll through the neighborhood and Washington Market Park:

February 8, 2019

We read a variety of books and sang different songs as well.

Highlights of the Week:





Cooking with Diane


February 1, 2019

As children explore, learn and understand how things work in their environment, they develop techniques in how to interact with materials. Every child is unique as they engage in art, manipulative, blocks, music and books. As teachers, we want children to have fun learning, investigating, discovering, and manipulating their environment. As they develop interests, we will provide an addition to extend their creativity.

When they work on a project, painting, building, or just turning the pages of a book, they are using many skills (fine and gross motor, cognitive, language, and social/emotional).

Songs we have sang throughout the week:

  • Mr. sun

  • Old MacDonald Had a Farm

  • Jump in the Water

  • Bubble Gum

  • 5 little Monkeys, Ducks, and Frogs

  • Mr. Muffin Man

  • Twinkle Little Star

  • If your happy and you know it clap your hands……(English and Spanish version)

  • Watermelon

  • On Little Finger (English and Spanish version)

  • and many more……..

We also read a variety of books. Among their favorites are Hooray for Hats, We are going on a Lion Hunt, A Pocket for Corduroy, and Even firefighter go to the Potty!

Highlights of the Week:







January 25, 2019

Paint is a colored substance that you put onto a surface with a painting tool to make it look nice, produce a picture, or create a color to something that is colorless.

We made color and colorless oobleck to investigate and explore the idea of "color." 

Oobleck incorporates both science and sensory exploration; is a substance that's somewhere between a liquid and a solid.  It pours like a liquid but acts like a solid when you squeeze it.   The children looked curious and explored the properties slowly by dropping their hands into the oobleck, feeling and squeezing its texture.   

Would there be a difference in how children interact with the oobleck if it is colorless?

We used large bins to experiment with oobleck.  As the children observed and approached the materials, some of the children sat and manipulated the colorless materials with puzzlement; while others, delved into the color oobleck with excitement. They engaged with sustained attention, as they tapped, poked, touched, and squeezed with their hands and fingers.

Paint conveys meaning through color; it elicits curiosity and is an invitation that captures children’s eyes as they engage with different color materials.  It stimulates their imagination, exploration, and creativity.  

Highlights of the Week:





Cooking with Diane

