Weekly Recap: Virtual Classroom

Barak’s Special Day

Barak and his family celebrated Barak’s Special Day with the 3A friends! We saw many of Barak’s pictures. We learned that Barak loves to ski and travel different places with his family. We also learned that Barak changes his mind of wanting to be a firefighter to a police officer to a pilot and many other things!

Last Day of School

Lots of emotions, but mostly feeling very grateful to have our 3A community. Despite the circumstances, it’s been a phenomenal year with you all! Congratulations 3A, YOU DID IT!!!

Thank You!

The last day of school has come and gone. It was difficult to say goodbye to all of you and to your incredible children. They have grown so much this school year and they have accomplished so much!

Thank you for entrusting your children with us. We wish them all the best as they move on to Pre-K.

Thank you all for everything! We hope you all have a wonderful summer filled with family adventures.

Weekly Recap: Virtual Classroom

Sebastian, Sloane, and Leo’s Special Days

Sebastian, Sloane and Leo celebrated their Special Days with us this week! We learned that Sebastian’s mom is from Brazil and his dad is from Maine. A lot of our 3A friends loved Sebastian’s Velociraptor mask that he showed us! From Sloane’s presentation, we learned that she loves being out and about in NYC and CT, or playing dress-up. Sloane also loves to play with her sister Blake who is also known as her BFF! From Leo’s Special Day, we saw pictures of 4 month old baby Leo, who was in Buckle My Shoe with one of our 3A friends Sloane! Leo also shared his favorite book with the class called ‘Exclamation Mark’, and we all loved it! The families have given the 3A class a fabulous Special Day presentations! Thank you so much for your time and effort :)

Theme of the Week: Camping Day, Rainbow Color Day, Superhero Day, Sunglasses & Hat Day, and Backwards Day

The themes of this week were camping day, rainbow color day, superhero day, sunglasses & hat day, and backwards day! Our friends had fun putting on different props each day! For camping day, we went on a bear hunt. On Rainbow color day, we read a book about rainbows. On superhero day, we used our superpowers to complete each of the missions that were given to us. On sunglasses & hat day, we posed with our sunglasses and hats on. On backwards day, we counted numbers and sang the alphabet song backwards (or at least we tried to)!

Afternoon Activities & Small Groups

For the afternoon activities there were: Camp Day: Toilet paper roll binoculars , Peanut Butter (or Sunflower seed butter) Jelly Sandwich, Make a picture for the Pre-K Graduates, Ice cream craft, and Lemonade.

Can’t believe there’s only one week left this year with our 3A! Miss you all so much!

Have a wonderful weekend :)

Weekly Recap: Virtual Classroom

Manu, Alex, and Maya’s Special Days

Manu, Alex and Maya celebrated their Special Days this week! We learned that Manu’s family is from Brazil, South America, and found out that Manu loves horseback riding! From Alex’s presentation, we learned that Alex wants to be a ‘pretend’ police officer when she grows up. We also found out that Alex knows how to speak English, Spanish, and Hebrew! From Maya’s Special Day, we learned that Maya has been to 8 countries so far. We also found out that Maya has two passports: US and UK! The families have given the 3A class a wonderful Special Day presentations! Thank you :)

Favorite Outfit Day, Crazy Hair Day, & Pajamas Day

Starting from June, the 3A teachers wanted to make our morning meetings more fun and recreational! So we chose a theme for each day and celebrated together! On Tuesday, we put on our favorite outfits. Sebastian wore bear pants and a striped shirt. Francesca wore an Elsa dress with the head piece. Manu wore a zebra print dress. Sloane wore a zebra print onesie. Elle wore an Ariel dress. Leo wore a ‘Jawsome’ crocodile shirt. Barak wore a firefighter suit with the fire hat. Maya put on her ‘homemade’ dinosaur backpack. Alex wore a Belle dress. For Crazy Hair Wednesday, only Erika and Clare had crazy hair on. We all imagined having crazy hair and drew our self portraits. On Thursday, we put on our favorite PJs and played a game of class CHARADES with the families! Each family described words with their body movements and the rest of the class guessed the answers! It was a bit tricky at first, but it was so fun to play the game together!

Virtual Field Day

Although we could not gather at Pier 25 to do our annual BMS Field Day, our friends still virtually gathered to do gymnastics with NYC Elite Gym! Coach Doug led us through different gymnastic movements for our BMS friends and families to follow! It was exciting to see the teachers and friends from the 3B and the Pre-K class! We hope everyone enjoyed our virtual field day!

Weekly Recap: Virtual Classroom

Elle’s Special Day

We celebrated Elle’s Special Day on Wednesday. Elle and Elle’s parents told the 3A friends all about Elle! We learned that Elle was born in NYC while her parents were both born in Ohio. Elle and her parents introduced many fun facts about Ohio, and one of them was that Ohio is called the Buckeye State! Towards the end of the presentation, Elle showed us her favorite book called “Fairy Elle”, and Elle’s daddy read it to us! We loved the wonderful presentation from Elle and her family!

Community Helpers, Kindness Bucket, & How Long Is It?

During our morning meetings this week, we talked about community helpers, kindness bucket, and how to measure something with a ruler. Our children discussed what each community helper does, different kind acts that would fill up our ‘invisible bucket’, and used a special tool called ‘ruler’ to measure our foot length!

Afternoon Activities & Small Groups

For the afternoon activities there were: Mentos & Coke Experiment, Lava Lamp Experiment, Rainbow Foam (sensory play), and Aluminum foil bracelets. Afternoon activities not only welcome children to have fun, but also helps their ability to follow multi-step directions.

We love meeting our 3A friends via small group time! We love listening to their stories, seeing their new toys, and catching up with their lives at home! Please continue to join us during small group time!

Weekly Recap: Virtual Classroom

Life Cycle of a Butterfly & Animal Babies

During our morning meetings, the 3A friends observed that the caterpillars turned into chrysalises and studied the life cycle of a butterfly. We also saw a video of how animals take care of their babies. We discussed how the ways our mommies and daddies (and other grown-ups) take care of babies are similar and different from the ways animals take care of their young. One interesting fact was that crocodiles put their babies inside their mouths when they carry them from one place to another. The discussions helped our children to think about the similarities and differences between people and animals.

The Giving Tree

We read a book called “The Giving Tree” together and then discussed what we would give to the boy if we were the tree.

  • Elle said she would give the boy, “bananas and apples”!

  • Francesca said she would give the boy, “candies”!

  • Barak said he would give the boy, “fruit (strawberry)”!

  • Leo said he would give the boy, “spaceship because he has a fifty million dollars to buy a giant part to put together to go to the outer space”!

  • Alex said she would give the boy, “apples and bananas”!

  • Sloane said she would give the little boy, “apples”!

  • Manu said she would give the boy, “a house”!

This activity invited everyone to infer what they would do and allowed them to make connections between themselves and the characters in the book.

Afternoon Activities & Small Groups

For the afternoon activities there were: How do Sharks float? Symmetry Painting, Cookie Dough Playdough, Paper Chain Necklaces Craft, and How many drops of water can fit on a penny experiment. Afternoon activities not only welcome children to have fun, but also helps their ability to follow multi-step directions.

We love meeting our 3A friends via small group time! We love listening to their stories, seeing their new toys, and catching up with their lives at home! Please continue to join us during small group time!

Weekly Recap: Virtual Classroom

Caterpillars, Elephant, & Penguins

This week we introduced our caterpillars to the children. Each day we observed how the caterpillars were growing. We can’t wait to see them become butterflies soon!

We also talked about how many of our friends liked and didn’t like elephants and counted the number of people in each group. The children made their own kind of elephants by using manipulatives!

On Thursday, we read a book about penguins and shared “If I were a penguin, I would…”

Alex said, “I would waddle like a penguin and play with my friends.”

Sloane said, “I would protect my baby penguins from sharks.”

Leo said, “I would ride a roller coaster in an ice cream shop.”

Elle said, “I would build a house and live in it.”

Barak said, “I would do something else.”

Francesca moved around like a penguin.

Afternoon Activities

Afternoon activities were filled with fun activities! We made volcanoes using hydrogen peroxide, yeast, and baking soda. We also made caterpillar and butterfly Origami. On Wednesday, we made an ant farm by using beans and counted the number of ants! And on Thursday and Friday, we made cookies and paintings for our family!

Parents Day

Parents day was filled with joy and (happy) tears! Although we could not celebrate Parents Day in person, all of our parents joined us via video call! We had a slide show of our children’s messages, which they had shared earlier in the week. The messages were about one thing they loved about their parents. Then we read “The Mommy Book” and “The Daddy Book” by Todd Parr. Our mommies and daddies took the time to also share one thing they loved about their child. They were truly heart felt messages to our children! We ended the celebration by dancing with the feeling in our bones altogether! Thank you for being our parents! We love you!

Weekly Recap: Virtual Classroom

Dinosaurs (continued)

Our 3A friends continued to explore dinosaurs this week. On Monday, we read one of our favorite dinosaur books, Pete the Cat: Cavecat Pete by James Dean. Our children talked about the characters, the setting, the problem, and solution of the story. On Wednesday, we discussed things that we would want to learn more about dinosaurs, and also made dinosaur eggs with baking soda, water, and food coloring. Then we used vinegar to hatch the eggs!

Dolphins & Elephants

On Tuesday, we read a book about dolphins and learned about their habitat, food, babies, enemies, and communication. On Thursday, we saw African elephants and Asian elephants from a book, and talked about how they were different. Then Erika and Caleb (Erika’s nephew) demonstrated a science experiment called “Elephant Toothpaste” by first adding hydrogen peroxide and food coloring in a jar, then putting yeast in the mix.

Our Feelings

On Friday, we revisited our feelings. Our old puppet friends Harry and Kitty helped us identify our feelings as we stayed at home due to Covid19. Leo, Francesca, Elle, and Alex shared that they felt happy because they were able to spend time with their mommies and daddies at home all day. Barak shared that he didn't want to stay home for a long time, but wanted to go back to school. Sloane shared that she felt mad and angry because of coronavirus. Manu shared that she felt hungry and shy.

Weekly Recap: Virtual Classroom


This week, we started to have 45 minute whole group morning meetings. Prior to the first meeting, the 3A educators discussed and thought deeply about what our children were currently interested in. Due to the distance learning situation, it was challenging to witness their everyday play; however, we knew some of our friends were passionate about dinosaurs.

On Monday, we talked about dinosaur names and their characteristics. Some dinosaurs had horns, plates, and scales, while others had long necks and tails. We also distinguished between meat eaters and plant eaters. Then we drew our favorite dinosaur on a piece of paper.

On Wednesday, we began with the question of the day: Do you like dinosaurs? This activity was a good way to visualize numbers. When we were done asking everyone the question, we counted how many friends said ‘yes’ and how many friends said ‘no’. We also counted all of the marks to find out how many friends had voted. When we found out that it was 9, Leo said “if you add 1 to the 9, it will be 10!”

On Friday, we discussed if dinosaurs were real or make-believe. Based on the book and the video we saw, dinosaurs were real and they lived a long time ago! We also talked about fossils and how they helped scientists to know more about dinosaurs. Then for the independent work, our children built their own dinosaurs. Barak built a ‘Superman Dinosaur’ and said it was ‘super strong!’

Farm Animals

On Tuesday we talked about farm animals and shared our favorite farm animals. Some friends drew their favorite farm animals, while others drew imaginary animals! At the end, we also practiced counting little animals together!

About Coronavirus & Our Safety

For Thursday’s morning meeting, we discussed how we would make the coronavirus go away if we were a doctor or a scientist. Our friends remembered a lot of important safety rules such as covering our mouths with our arms/elbows when we are coughing/sneezing and washing our hands with soap thoroughly. At the end we also talked about why wearing a mask in public places is important. Although it may be a little uncomfortable to wear a mask, our friends understood that it will keep ourselves and others safe from catching the virus.

Home Fun!

Please capture a moment of our children at work, play, cooking, having fun etc. and send them to us! We would like to share and also add those photos into their portfolios!

Weekly Recap: Virtual Classroom

Music Monday: Rainbow Xylophone

As we celebrate the week of the young child every year, Covid-19 could not stop us from appreciating our young children this year!

For Music Monday, we made rainbow water xylophones with glass cups, water, food coloring, and a stick to make music! This was a simple and fun way to make an instrument. It was so much fun to sing our favorite nursery rhymes as we were playing on the rainbow water xylophone!

Tasty Tuesday: Pizza Party!

For tasty Tuesday, we read a book called Curious George and the Pizza Party together and made pizza on our own! Some friends had english muffins and others had pieces of bread for pizza dough. We each made yummy pizza by applying pizza sauce and cheese on bread/english muffins. Some of us cooked our pizza in a microwave while others cooked it in an oven. We enjoyed our homemade pizza together!

Happy Earth Day!

As the Wednesday 4/22 was national Earth Day, we discussed how we can help save the Earth. We first read The Earth Book by Todd Parr, then talked about some of the things we can do at home.

“Germ monster and crocodiles can eat all of the germs!” -Leo-

“Don’t watch TV everyday!” -Alex-

“Water our plants!” -Francesca-

“Turn off the lights!” -Sebastian-

“Save water!” -Manu-

“No throwing trash on the floor!” -Sloane-

Artsy Thursday: Memory Game & Bracelet Making

For artsy Thursday, we played memory games with art materials. Our 3A friends were getting much better playing this game! At first we took one item, then took two items, and even when we took three items, our friends were able to remember and find the missing items! The memory game enhances our children’s short-term memory. In the afternoon, we made bracelets with toilet paper rolls. We painted, drew, put stickers on the bracelets to make it special!

Family Friday: Who is in your family?

As we celebrate family Friday, we read our all time favorite The Family Book by Todd Parr. From the book, we learned that there were so many different kinds of families in the world. Then we talked about who was in our family. Once each friend shared their family members, Clare created a family chart. We also shared one reason why each of our family member is so special! We love our families!

Weekly Recap: Virtual Classroom

Floating Egg

On Monday, we did a floating egg experiment! When we put a raw egg in a cup filled with plain water, the egg sank to the bottom of the cup. When we put a raw egg in a cup filled with salty water, the egg floated to the top! There were times when the egg did not float to the top even when we put in lots of salt. Then we realized that the salt needed to be dissolved in the water!

Virtual Traveling

In honor of spring break, we traveled virtually around the world on a Tuesday morning. Our first stop was of course Buckle My Shoe, because the teachers and 3A friends missed school so much! But afterwards, we virtually traveled to Paris (Barak & Sloane), Big Ben (Leo), Washington Market Park (Elle), Brazil (Manu), Museum of Natural History (Sebastian), Mexico City (Alex), Panama City (Francesca), New Delhi (Maya), and Poland (Henry)!

Counting Objects in Our Homes

On Wednesday, we went on a hunt for a number of objects that were the same kind around our homes. First we found two objects that were the same. Then we found five, nine and eleven objects that were the same. Our 3A friends were becoming experts at counting objects one by one!

Little Blue and Little Yellow by Leo Lionni

For Thursday morning meeting, we read a book called Little Blue and Little Yellow by Leo Lionni. This book was about two best friends; little blue and little yellow, realizing that they turned green when they hugged each other! After the read aloud, Clare mixed two colors of our friends’ choice and made cool new colors!

Character Tea Party!

Our Friday morning meeting was so much fun because we dressed up as a character and had a tea party! Clare wore a ‘Super Girl’ mask, and Erika wore a ‘Monkey’ face painting. Barak dressed up as a ‘Storm Trooper’, and Sloane dressed up as a ‘Girl named Elsie’. Leo wore a ‘Lion’ mask, and Henry wore a ‘Spiderman’ mask. Alex dressed up as ‘Belle’ dress from the Beauty and the Beast, and Elle dressed up as ‘Fancy Nancy’. Maya wore a ‘Kimono’ and her ‘Dinosaur Backpack’ that she made out of boxes, and Manu dressed up as an ‘Owlette’ from PJ Masks. Francesca moved to her new apartment, so she decided she would wear either her ‘Dory’ or ‘Sheep’ costume once everything became unpacked!

Weekly Recap: Virtual Classroom

For all the front line workers (Making Maracas)

In one of the morning meetings, we talked about all of our front line workers. Our children knew that there are many people who are sick due to Covid-19, and they also knew that many doctors, nurses, and healthcare workers are doing their best to help those who are sick. So we wanted to support them by cheering together at 7pm with the rest of NYC. We decided to make our own instrument, Maracas. We put dried pasta, rice, or beans inside an empty plastic bottle. Then we cut out a piece of toilet paper to make the handle. After we made our own maracas, we promised to use the instruments to cheer in support of all the front line workers at 7pm!

Easter Celebration

As we prepare to celebrate Easter, we read a book called Llama Llama Easter Egg. Then we virtually decorated hard boiled eggs together! Once we drew pictures on the eggs, we cracked them and ate them as our snacks!

Passover Celebration

For Passover celebration, Leo’s daddy read a book called Alligator Seder and Alex’s parents explained to us the history and tradition of Passover. We also saw Matzo, which is bread without yeast, and Leo shared that he likes to eat Matzo with chocolate (Nutella). Alex told us Matzo looks like a carpet! It was also a successful family-led virtual presentation! Thank you!

Weekly Recap: Virtual Classroom

The Rainbow Fish

We read a book called ‘The Rainbow Fish’ by Marcus Pfister. The book was about the rainbow fish who originally did not want to share his beautiful scales to others. But then he realized his choice made himself lonely and sad. When the rainbow fish finally decided to share his scales, he not only brought a smile to others, but he felt happy as well. We made our own beautiful rainbow fish using tinfoil. Then we discussed some ways to show kindness to our friends.

Leo said, “sharing” toys.

Manu, Henry, and Sloane said, “giving a hug and kiss” to our friends.

Maya said, “bringing water bottles to friends during lunch”.

Francesca said, “shared snack”.

Sebastian said, “putting away toys”.

Barak said, “playing with friends”.

Sink of Float

The Sink or Float experiment was a fun afternoon activity that most of our 3A friends enjoyed! We tested four of the same items and saw whether or not those items sank or floated. We also chose three objects of our own and tested them ourselves! We found out that a metal fork and coin sunk to the bottom of the water, and a piece of paper and a plastic cap floated to the top!

Wemberly Worried

We read a book called ‘Wemberly Worried’ by Kevin Henkes. After we read the story we thought about how we felt staying at home because of COVID 19.

Luca, Francesca, Manu, Elle, Maya, and Alex said they felt happy because they got to stay home with their mommies and daddies.

Erika and Clare said we felt hopeful that things would get better and we would see each other again soon.

Leo said he felt sad because he doesn’t get to see mommy and daddy’s work place.

Sebastian said he felt worried, and Sloane said she felt confused because she doesn’t know when she will get to see her friends and teachers again.

Animal Yoga

Animal yoga poses were so fun to do with our 3A friends and their families! It helped us to refocus our bodies and minds. Our 3A friends came up with creative poses too!

Sibling Love

We welcome all of our siblings’ participations! We only have these two photos taken of Archie (Luca’s brother) and Dylan (Barak’s brother), but we saw so many smiling faces from our siblings this week and made us extra happy!

Weekly Recap: Virtual Classroom

Morning Meetings

As we continue to meet our 3A friends via video calls, we have enhanced our skills in literacy, mathematics, and social/emotional development.

On Monday, we were wondering how long we needed to wait until we went back to school, so we counted the days that are left on the calendar. We counted from 23rd of March to 20th of April (expected date) on the calendar and found out that we had 29 more days to go! 

On Tuesday, the morning message was filled with missions! Our friends found objects that were azul and verde, and they also hopped like bunnies, stomped like elephants, and waddled like penguins!

On Wednesday, we worked on our rhyming skills by finding a word that does not rhyme with the rest. This was a tricky activity, but our 3A friends did an awesome job finding the word that did not belong in the group!

On Thursday, we went over the names of shapes and learned how to find a pattern by thinking about what shape would come next! This was also an advanced game that our friends did so well on!

On Friday, we talked about what we had been doing with our mommies and daddies. Some friends showed and told us about their favorite toys, babies, stuffed animals, and a bicycle, while others showed and told us about artwork and cool crafts they had done. Leo sang a song that he made to Erika and Clare! At the end of the morning meeting we shared some of the things we missed doing back in our 3A classroom!

Afternoon Activities

This week, we launched our whole group afternoon activities! The times were filled with fun follow-along activities. Even though we were seeing each other via computer screen, we certainly loved bonding with one another while doing hands-on projects. We made Oobleck with cornstarch, Origami dogs by folding paper, a fruit rocket by putting different colored fruit on a skewer, and a self-portrait by observing our faces in the mirror. We also read a story called Where The Wild Things Are and Curious George and the Rocket!

Home Fun Sharings

When we see and hear about our families doing assignments that are uploaded on the google classroom or from the afternoon activities, we are so proud of everyone's great work! We know and understand that virtual learning is not only a foreign tasks for our children, but also an addition to all of our parents' work. We greatly appreciate your involvement and support for our children's learning!

First Week of Our Virtual Classroom!

Morning Meetings

Week One of our virtual classrooms were a blast! Although there were many things to get used to and improve on, we loved still being able to see each other online and do lots of things together. After Monday's individual check-ins, we began having group morning meetings. On Tuesday, we played a math game called 'Mr. Shark', which is a song that goes on to catch little fishies. On Wednesday, we played "What's in the box?", which is guessing what hidden items are in the box by listening to a few hints! On Thursday, we did a planting activity together and read a book called 'Carrot Seed'! Today, we played a memory game and celebrated Henry's birthday together!

Home Fun Activities

Sebastian had been practicing his writing skills by tracing the letters of his name and numbers! Leo helped his parents by carrying his house recycling bin to the disposal area. He also did an observational painting of fruit. Sloane made a cool structure with Magnatiles and other manipulatives, and her family did a lot of cooking/baking together! Thanks for sharing your photos with us!

Weekly Recap

Science: Our Senses

On Monday during the morning meeting, we learned about our senses: smell, touch, and taste. There were two mystery foods, and our 3A friends identified their characteristics by smelling, touching, and tasting them! When they smelled the first mystery food (banana), some of our friends said, "it smells sweet" and "good!" When they touched the second food (cracker), some said, "It's smooth", and "It's rough". For tasting, we had a few friends who were willing to try and taste the food, and they were able to identify what the mystery foods were! 

Signs for Spring

The 3A friends went to the Washington Market Park to search for signs of Spring! Although it was really windy, we found some artifacts that represent Spring. We noticed some green plants were sprouting from the dirt(ground). We also found many of the branches on the trees had started to have reddish/pink sprouts. Leo also noticed and said, "The trees were moving round and round" because of the strong wind! Welcome spring!  

Weekly Recap


The beautiful and sunny Monday was a perfect day to go to the playground! The 3A friends not only played in the playground, but they also got to run around and to explore nature in the grassy area of the Washington Market Park. As the weather gets warmer, we would like to go on outdoor adventures more often!

Mathematics: Question of the Day

One of our 3A math activities was to do a question of the day during circle time!  This week's question of the day was: Do you want to go to the sun or the moon? To answer, the 3A friends first thought about which place they would prefer to go, then they placed a unifix cube on the column associated with where they wanted to visit. After everyone got a turn, we each counted the number of friends that wanted to go to the sun vs the moon by pointing to each cube. The final count was 6 and 4 respectively. At the end, Clare asked how can we figure out "how many friends would like to go to the sun and the moon"? Alexandra replied, "We have to count all of the cubes!" So we did! There were 10 friends that wanted to go to the sun and the moon! This activity enhanced one to one correspondence counting skills and introduced the idea of addition and simple math (6 + 4 = 10).

Creating our own rocket-ships!

We launched the new theme of our learning: Space! Our 3A friends were interested in blasting off into outer space in their plays. So we decided to make our own rocket-ships by using recycled items and loose parts. First the children selected two boxes and some loose parts that they want. Then they designed the rocket-ships in their own style. Once they put together their design, we used colored tape to put the pieces together. Next week, we are going to paint our rocket-ships! 

Weekly Recap

Welcome Sebastian!

Sebastian started Buckle My Shoe this week! Sebastian joined our circle time, specialists time (cooking, soccer, and music), and center time right away! It was so wonderful to see Sebastian already bonding with friends as well! Welcome to 3A Sebastian!! Can’t wait to have an amazing year with you!

Special Days Continued with Francesca and Luca

Last Friday was Francesca’s special day! Francesca, her mommy, and her daddy gave us a fantastic presentation of how special Francesca is! The 3A friends learned that Francesca loves bananas, playing with her toys, and going to gymnastics. We also learned that Francesca visited Panama and Colombia, where her extended families are from, with her parents and her baby sister, Catalina!

Today was Luca’s special day! Luca and his parents came in to our class to tell the 3A friends all about Luca! Luca shared his family photos and his favorite book “That’s My Cake!” We learned that Luca’s favorite day is Monday because he likes sharing about his weekend news in school. We also learned that Luca’s mommy is from the United Kingdom and his daddy is from Ireland, but Luca was born in Brooklyn, New York! It was a fabulous presentation given by Luca!

Weekly Recap

Farewell to James and His Family!

Our friend, James, is moving to Aspen, Colorado today. Although we were sad to think about not having James in our classroom anymore, we were happy that he was so excited about horseback riding lessons and his new adventure in a new city. James’ parents came in to tell our friends all about Colorado. James’ daddy, Chris, said Colorado has a lot of mountains, and James’ mommy, Adriann, said that they could see lots of deer and elk around where they will live. There was a surprise gift from James’ family - a doll house! In return, our 3A friends gifted James a canvas that had his portrait. There were so many memories that we shared with James! We wish the best of luck with everything to the family and we hope to see you again! We love you James! From 3A

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Our 3A friends celebrated Valentine’s day by exchanging cards and goodies with one another. It was truly loving and caring as our children wished each other ‘Happy Valentine’s Day’ and replied with ‘thank you’! We ate lots of sugary treats that made us extra happy and energetic!

We hope everyone enjoys a lovely Valentine’s day and has a wonderful long weekend!

We will see you on Wednesday, February 19th!

Weekly Recap

Special Day

Special days have officially started with James’ presentation this week! James has done a wonderful job presenting about himself, and our 3A friends listened to his presentation as awesome audience members!

We learned that James’s favorite food is strawberries and his favorite animals are zebras and horses! He also showed a few pages of his favorite book: National Geographic Little Kids First Big Book of Dinosaurs. James is planning on taking horseback riding lessons once he moves to Colorado. We loved every part about your presentation!

Whose Shoe is Heavier?

As we continue to experiment with weight in different medium, we decided to weigh our shoes! Clare paired our friends, and the children weighed their shoe on a balance scale. Before we weighed them, we made our hypothesis. Between Alexandra’s indoor furry boot and Henry’s sneaker, most of our friends guessed that Alex’s furry boot would be heavier than Henry’s sneaker because it was bigger in size! Sloane said, “it’s gigantic!” So when we weigh them, the result was a surprise! It was actually Henry’s sneaker which was heavier than Alex’s furry boot! We concluded that large objects are not always heavier than smaller objects!


We decided to wrap up our exploration of weight by going back to our initial interest, the Seesaw! This time, instead of playing (going up and down) we decided to stay still and see which friend is heavier between the two. For most of our pair-ups, our friends guessed correctly because the bigger friends were heavier. However, between Barak and Sloane, it was interesting because many of our friends guessed that Barak would be heavier than Sloane, but when they lifted their feet from the floor, Sloane’s side went down. As a result, we realized that between two people who have similar size bodies, the only way to figure out who’s heavier is to actually go on the seesaw!

Weekly Recap

Science: Spring Scale

As we continue to investigate the weight of different objects, Neer, who is a scientist and a professor in physics (Alexandra’s dad), gave us spring scales to do an experiment. We had two objects; an aluminum tray, and our class camera. Then we took a guess at which object would be heavier. We first guessed that the aluminum tray would be heavier than the camera because it was bigger, but in reality it was the camera that was heavier! The spring scale that had the camera stretched more than the scale that had the aluminum tray!

Mathematics: Counting

We decided to count how many buttons were in our cup. Before counting, we brainstormed different strategies to count accurately. The children put the buttons up in one line and used a pointer finger to count out loud from left to right. When our 3A friends tried counting using these strategies, it helped our one to one counting skill!

Social Emotional Development: Work Together Wednesday

Everyone partnered up and worked together to build their own custom designed rocket-ship. Barak, Elle, and Luca teamed up and built a rocket with blocks. Francesca and Sloane partnered up to make their own style of rocket with Legos, while Leo and Manu decided to build two separate ones with Legos. Maya and Henry built a pointy spaceship with Magnatiles, and Alex and James built a spaceship with blocks that was taller than them! At the end we made a gallery and walked around our cool spaceship structures!