Weekly Recap : June 19th

I want to thank you all for this journey we shared together. Everyone made this year a special one.

We got to grow with Pre-K and are so proud of them. Monday we made them all cards.

What is your favorite story? Can you share it with us? One of the things we loved during morning meetings was reading to each other.

Last time all together with the whole school!

We have accomplished so much! Here are our awards.



Weekly Recap: June 12th


We read Llama Llama Red Pajama while wearing our favorite pajamas.


On Camp Day we watched a video of a campfire, we made fish art, and we sat in our while eating yummy treats of “sticks.”


Working with Pre-K is always fun! This week we cut out strips of paper and glued/taped them down to create paper structures. After we all shared what we made.


Who is ready to swim! Not only did we get to pretend to be fish, we made our own fish matching game!


To end the week we had a dance party and dressed up as our favorite characters.

Have a great weekend!

Weekly Recap June 5th…Blast Off

An amazing thing took place this weekend: we got to watch a spaceship launch!

Balance and tape lines

Can you walk in a straight line? Can you lie down? What other things can you do on the lines? Balance training is important because balancing is a part of everything that we do.

Meeting with West Village

During our morning meeting with our Pre-K friends, we went read books about the alphabet and then went on a letter hunt.

June Self-Portraits

Have a great weekend!

Weekly Recap: May 29th


This week was all about feelings. What are feelings? What colors make you feel a certain way? Here are some of the stories that helped us express ourselves.

The Color Monster

We made our own color monsters.

LIv wanted yellow because it was her favorite color, and she decided that the emotion of her monster would be happy.

Sam used red because he wanted the monster to be red.

Kate picked pink because it makes her feel happy.

Will chose red, pink, and white but told us the red and white were fighting with each other.

Play Dough and Faces

We used play-dough to make and explore different emotions and facial expressions.

Meeting with all of 13th Street

During our meeting we talked about what color we would use if we feel sad, happy, hungry, and other feelings. Comparing our colors to feelings shows that everyone has their own interpretation of how colors make them feel.

What Face are you Making?

We played a game to guess the face we are making.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Weekly Recap : May 22nd

Literary Lovers

This week the children have been even more interested in listening and sharing stories. We talked about each book then worked on a project.


What did you make with your shape? Shapes are something that you find everywhere you go and its fun to point them out when you see them. We made a small tower and some pictures, and learned more about each shape.

Guess whats missing?

During a weekly Wednesday meeting with Pre-K, we played the “What’s Missing” game. The children have gotten so good at remembering all the items we showed them.

Show and tell something BLUE

Items friends shared with us

Kate- a blue harmonica case

Liv- a blue pot to feed her baby dolls

Sam - blue water bottle

Will - a blue airplane

Galaxy Jars

We made galaxy jars using a jar/bottle, water, oil, food coloring, and other fun objects. We discovered that in the light, the jars look more transparent. Sam inspired this project because he has been talking a lot about Buzz Lightyear. He thought it would be good idea to add eyes and buttons in his.

Have a great Memorial Day Weekend!

Recap: May 15th

Game and Movement

This week we played a game where the children picked out a number which corresponded to a movement. We also made name puzzles to help us with our letter recognition and spatial work.

Instruments/ Instrumentos

Can you guess the sound of the instrument? After our guessing game, we made our own instruments and listened to our friends play. (Make sure to check out the afternoon meetings, where we learned them in Spanish)

Work together Wednesday

During morning meeting with Melissa and our Pre-K friends, we read the story Watch Us Grow and drew our own pictures of grass.

We listened to a new good morning song. Afterwards we listened to the story, The Book with No Pictures.

Parents Day

We made sure our parents were extra close so we could do an activity with them. We traced their hands and then they traced ours in the middle.

Have a great weekend!

Recap: May 8th



Tape jumping is a fun way to move around in any room of your house. You place strips of tape on the floor and jump from one piece to the next until you reach your destination. You can also see how far you can jump.


We are always painting and mixing colors, but we thought it would be a fun idea to name our paints.

Sam - Purple and green make “Buzz Colors”

Liv - Yellow, black, blue and purple make “Rainbow”

Kate- Brown, purple and blue make “Daddy’s Color”

Will- White makes “Cloud color”


Wednesday was our first meeting with the Pre-K. class. We listened to the story “Spots” and then drew our own spot inspired art. It was so nice to catch up with the whole school. We can’t wait to do it again next Wednesday!


Incorporating numbers to different activities is a great way to begin number recognition. This week we made a bingo board with numbers. We also created numbers using play-dough.


Wil’s brother turned 1 year-old this past weekend!

Thank you to all my friends who sent me cards and videos!

Weekly Recap : May 1st

Show & Tell

Show & Tell engages children by teaching them to take turns, wait their turn, and listen to their friends. It is also great for asking questions and having conversations; all important social skills.

Time for a Story

Thank you to Liv’s dad, Chris, and Kate’s brother, Mikey, for reading to us this week. After each story, we talked about what happened.

How do you count?

Using materials around the house, such as cups, or seeds in our fruit, friends created pattern games with numbers. We also played a movement game where everyone had to remember their number and when it was called, they had to do what the number said.

Obstacle Course fun!

Just because we are home doesn’t mean we can’t turn anything into an obstacle course. Sebastian went on an egg run in his living room (one of the activities up on Google Classroom).

Bird Houses

We made birdhouses out of various recyclable materials: cartons, toilet paper rolls, and fruit containers are just some of the materials used.


We worked on our fine motor skills and grip by drawing different shapes. We also gave our brains some more exercise by going on a shape hunt.


Weekly Recap : April 24th


Children are always finding new ways to learn and they are also teaching us as they go. We thank the children for their imaginations!.

Music Monday

We made our own instruments using items in our house and used them while dancing and singing. We also listened to some sounds and had to guess what made the sound.

Tasty Tuesday

We started Tasty Tuesday by eating our snacks and breakfast together, while listening to The Hungry Dragon. Sammy and Rowan pretended to act out being tacos, and Sebastian made a dirt treat (smashed up oreos and gummy’s). Friends also told us what they like to eat.

Kate - bananas

Sam - his morning juice

Liv- mac and cheese with hot dogs

Will - blackberries

Sebastian - strawberries

Ellie - mushrooms in her soup

Work Together Wednesday / Earth Day

What a great day to celebrate together. We love our Earth and it is our job to take care of it. We talked about the three R’s: reduce, reuse, recycle.

Will showed us the story The Red Balloon, and we all took turns talking about where we would go if we were a balloon.

Kate - I would go to picnic in a tree

WIll - I would go to California

Liv- I would go to New York and in an Elsa Bed

Artsy Thursday

No surprise that this day is our favorite day. We love making art and having it start as one thing and turn into something else. We played “Simon Says”: draw with the color red, draw with the color blue.. We took turns being Simon and realized our pictures that started with one color ended up turning into other pictures as we went along.

Special Person Day

We love our families so much and it is so important for us to let them know. We drew our family trees.

Parents Night

Thank you for the parents who joined, and all the parents for their help, ideas and support. It is important to work together so this will be a fun, learning experience for everyone! At the end of the meeting the children joined in to say hi and to see what we were up too!

High light of the week

Happy birthday to Sebbie’s brother, Camron!

Thank you to our healthcare workers, make sure to cheer at 7pm!

Weekly Recap: April 17th


Even though we are not together we can still celebrate. Friends made personal videos for Sam, we all sang happy birthday together, and read his favorite story.


A scribble is not just a scribble, but a piece of art. We read Never Let a Unicorn Scribble, then made our own scribble art.


We incorporated math into our art projects. This was a great way to work on our number recognition and sequence.


What shapes do you see around you? While observing our surroundings we realized things we haven’t before.

We used different shapes to make kites.


This is one of our favorite guessing games, we all get an item and give clues for the other friends to guess.

Will - It is something you wash in … bathtub

Liv- You wear them to see better … goggles

Sam - You wear them on your feet in the rain … rain boots

Ellie - you put it on a shelf … books

Thank you for all the siblings that join our meetings, we love having you guys too!

Weekly Recap: April 10th


Mailing a hug is a fun way for kids to brighten the day of a friend or a loved one that they don’t see often. With holidays approaching and birthdays passing, it is so important to still spread love. We have been working on makings gifts for each other during morning meeting. Some friends are also making cards for grandparents and sending out virtual hugs.


Since the children loved making moving puppets last week, we decided to make more, but this time only using our fingers. The children got to draw their character on the paper and parents helped cut out holes for the children’s fingers.


The endless possibilities of what play dough can become. We started off by making it into a ball, a snake, and finally using our fingers and hands to pinch and flatten the dough. After we all took a few minutes to explore on our own.


As the weather gets nicer we will start to see more of our friendly bug friends flying around. Will showed us his hungry caterpillar book and we made butterflies out of toilet paper rolls. Sam made a few to show each one had a different emotion and he even talked to us about how they were feeling. The first one started off as sad, and then he wanted to change it to a happy butterfly and we discussed just like us, its okay to be sad sometimes.


Water play is a class favorite. Ice painting is a simple activity you can do at home. You can hide items in the water before freezing, paint the ice, or even use salt to watch a reaction.

Next week we will resume all morning meetings and google classroom activities. Please keep sharing all of your hard work and sending us videos of your week. Stay safe and have a great weekend.

Weekly Recap : April 3rd

Welcoming in April with spring colors and stories
We started by making rainbows and talking about them.

How do we get a rainbow?

  • It has to rain.

  • The rain lives in the clouds.

  • And then the rainbow comes from the clouds.

  • Rainbows start with the letter R, and so does rain and Rowan ( Sam’s brother).

Language & Literacy

Along with our days of the week song we made a chart and for each letter of the first day we made a silly word that starts with that letter.

Monday - Moonday

Tuesday - Turtleday

Wednesday - Wiggleday

Thursday- Tallday

Friday- Frogday

Saturday - Samday

Sunday - Snakeday


Self Portraits for April - During this time parents got to watch their children make self portraits and even got to join in and help.

Moving Puppets

We made moving puppets using paper and markers. This was a great way to explore various feelings/emotions.

Painting Together

Open invite to paint. First we talked about colors and what happens when you mix them, and then we got to work and made some beautiful masterpieces.

Down by the Bay

This was a special request by our friend. We love the idea of the children picking the stories and either sharing with us or making pictures for themselves.

Scavenger Hunt

Can you find some items in your homes? Sam made a treasure map to help him on his quest.

To end our week, Fridays will be the day we get to dress up as our favorite characters and to learn a new dance. This week we danced to Monkey See Monkey Do.

Weekly Recap : March 27th


Here we are dressed up as some of our favorite book characters.

To start our week off we did show and tell. The children were all so excited to show us items from their homes and their creations. Will made a sand castle out of an egg carton, and Ellie showed us her new ice cream station.


We did a lot of drawing this week. After each book we read, we all sat down to draw what we heard. For to book: Pete the Cat, I love my White Shoes we guessed what would happen next.

Puppet Play

What can you use to make your buttons? Wyatt used seashells he found on the beach, Ellie used beads, and Sam used pipe cleaners. Remember you can use any item to create.

Weekly Recap : March 20th

Thank you everyone for joining us on this journey together and remotely learning online until we get back together in the classroom. This week was really about exploring our google classroom and our morning meeting chats. It’s going to take some time getting used to but its an amazing way for the children to keep in touch with each other and share their home lives.

Kings & Queens

Extending our King and Queen play, friends made crowns using different shapes.


Extending upon our space theme, friends decorated paper towel or toilet paper tubes with space-themed items, and discussed how scientists use telescopes to gaze up at the stars and planets.

Sensory Play

Friends filled Ziploc bags with some oil and colors of their choice. Creating sensory bags is a great way to get some much needed input. They can help children relieve stress, relax, and stay calm. They are also lots of fun to make!

Drawing Together

During morning meeting, we all drew pictures of spiders. Kate was so excited about her drawing that she ran to show us a spider her brother and sister made in their grandmas room.

Reading Together

Liv showed us her new story: My Mom Turned into a Unicorn. We also read Curious George.. Starting Monday we would like to have parents sign up to read to us during morning meeting.

Weekly Recap: March 13th


Taking advantage of our park isn’t the only place we can go outside to have fun. Sometimes just sitting in front of the school, drawing pictures on the floor, and greeting our neighbors, is a great day to enjoy outside time.


We realized a lot of friends have the same kind of food. One day 3 friend had peppers for lunch. After talking about it, we agreed that we wanted to make guacamole.. Liv told us she doesn’t like spicy food so we didn’t put any garlic. We used just avocado and lemons to start. The next time we make it we will add another ingredient. Squeezing the avocado and lemon with our fingers helped work and develop our fine motor skills.


The children asked for the sand to be kept in the sensory box for another week. Ellie and Emma made play dough in the afternoon for us to use the next morning. The children used the play-dough to create a variety of things.

Liv and Ellie - purses

Will - gorilla

Sam - coins for the purses the girls made

Sebastian - rolled and covered his car in the play dough


Cooking tools can be used for more than just cooking. This week we used a salad mixer to create spin art. The children all got to pick the colors they wanted and got to spinning..

Literacy and Patterns

During circle time we copied the shapes we saw on the board. We started with circles, squares and triangles. Afterward, we talked about what letter they start with and what other words start with those same letters.

Weekly Recap : March 6th

What did you find on the floor?


During circle time we sang good morning while playing the xylophone. Every week we try to introduce a new way to sing good morning and start our day. A lot if mornings the children bring in objects at home and want to share with their friends. This week Ellie brought in a Mickey Mouse book and after we read it we realized the Emma and Will were wearing something with Mickey Mouse on them.


Weekly the sensory table gets filled up with something new based on things the children are interested in. This week we explored sand.

Adding to our space journey, we made Jupiter. We found out Jupiter is the biggest planet. Will said maybe it was blue and Emma said it was green. We looked at a picture of it and came to the conclusion it is brown and cloudy. We mixed all our colors together and made brown and at the end added some sand to give it a cloudy texture.


While building with connectors Will told me us he made a pancake mixer and Liv and Sam were excited to join.


Sharing is the biggest part of our day. Sam came in one morning super excited to show us his stickers and asked if his friends can have some too. He used them later on as tickets in the block area for them to go on the train.

On Thursday, for shared snack, Sebastian brought in a whole bag of snack goodies to share. Thank you friends!

Weekly Recap: February 28th


Our favorite thing to do is start our week off by going to the park, this time we didn’t use the rope and walked with a teacher and friend.

February’s Self Portrait

Will wanted to add in his brother and sister. Liv added teeth for her mouth. As the months go by, the children are starting to add more things that define how they describe themselves.


Saturday is our science fair, so we have been getting ready for it the last two weeks by exploring different centers related to magnets. We discovered that metal sticks to magnets. Ellie said that they stick because they are sticky. We tested out our experiment and used some objects around the school to find out that magnets could feel like they are sticky because they stick together and that sometimes you have to move an object around to find the metal on it.


Adding on to our King and Queen play, we made a castle. Will told his friends that a dragon lives in a castle so we need to make one for it to go.



We have all mastered the first letter of our name. We have been having fun naming the letter of words that we hear and then circling them on the board.


Every Friday is shared snack but the children love to show their friends what they bring before we have it. Liv gave friends items out of the bag while telling us what it was. Thank you Livie!


Tomorrow is our science fair!! Feel free to bring friends and family.

Weekly Recap : February 21st



When we think of Earth, the children immediately begin to take pride in their planet. They said that we live there, sometimes it is hot and cold, and it has water and grass. Make sure to take a look at our space study wall!


The children love when specialist come and do things with us that are relatable to our lives. In Spanish we brushed our teeth. In soccer we made ice cream out of the cones, and in yoga we played hide and seek.


While playing with the Zoob connectors the children made crowns. Using their crowns, they transformed themselves into kings and queens! Sam realized Liv wasn’t there to make a crown for and said “Where is our Livie? Could she come back to become a queen?” We can’t wait to pick this up on Monday and add on to our game.


The children love helping each other and since Sebastian is still new, they are all taking turns showing him what we do in school and helping him adjust. The children help each other throughout the day. We see the children encouraging each other at the park, or sometimes just checking in on them and asking if they are okay. This week we read We Don’t Eat Our Classmates each day. We learned how friends like to be treated and what makes us feel good.


Emma was so excited to tell her friends what she brought them for shared snack.

An updated shared snack list will be sent out.

Enjoy your weekend!

If you have any loose part metal objects at home that you aren’t using please bring them in!

Weekly Recap : February 14th


Language and Literacy

When asked the children what Valentine’s Day is and we came up with : That we decorate, we put on costumes with hearts, heart shape items, and that we love papa and mommy. We read some more books about friendships and made card for each other.


Working together, this week we did a lot of group projects when it came to making art. We made self portraits with our pre-k friends on a big poster board (which you can find in our middle room). We also drew with different shades of red, pink, and purple. Instead of using paint brushes we used toilet paper rolls shaped as hearts to stamp on paper.


Our sensory bin always has a fun surprise in it. This week we had oats to feed the animals and later in the week we had Valentine’s themed cloud dough. We also explored clay since we were using it so often to make Valentine’s Day gifts.


Sam has been asking everyday to build more and more and was very excited for me to take photos to show his mom. Sebastian also joined in and built a train track for Sam’s building which Sam told me grass grows from the top. We got new magnetic tiles and the children have been using them everyday.


Weekly Recap: February 7th


We are so happy that Sebastain has joined our BMS family! The children all made sure to make him, and his brother Cameron, feel at home. Sebastain especially loves trains and cars and we can’t wait to see all the things we will build together.


With Valentine’s Day coming up, we have been making special gifts and cards for friends and family to show how much we love and appreciate them. For one of the gifts we used clay and the next day made our own paint colors and poured in on top.


During circle time we took turns connecting links. We realized this is a little hard for us and will start by adding this into our morning meetings to learn how to do it. One of our favorite things to do is cut with scissors. Will realized that Emma did not have a pair and made sure to give her one so that she could join him and Sam at the table. They shared by letting each other cut with each scissor.


Adding on to learning about our solar system, we are also talking about space in general. We made galaxy slime in bag, and our sensory bin has landed in space. We also painted our rocketship.