William: It’s a virus that came form China.
Katerina: I think the corona virus came from Florida.
Malina: The virus came from Denmark.
Mercer: The corona virus came from bats because they have a lot of gross stuff. They spread the corona virus to us with their mouths when they make sounds.
Geneva: Actually, I think it came from Chinatown. If someone sneezes on you or if their food has germs, and you touch it, you can get the germs of the corona virus.
Malina: The corona virus is invisible.
Adela: The virus is behind trees, it’s everywhere.
Malina: People have to stay home for a long time because the corona virus is spreading everywhere.
Ellis: I know the corona virus can make you sick because it’s a very sick germ. One of my grandparents is fighting the virus. The corona virus hasn’t come to him.
Geneva: The virus likes to live in crowded places. Everyone should stay home.
Malina: Maybe I can make a flu shot to fight the corona virus.
Ellis: You have to wash your hands for a long time. If you touch everything you can get the germs.
Malina: Me and Fifi always share germs. She shares her germs on my face and then it spreads everywhere.
Ellis: I want to know how will get the corona virus to go away?
Katerina: I want to see whats inside the virus?
Geneva: What’s inside the skin of the virus?